
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/07 15:55:37

那种one year open的,从北京直飞Toronto的,1W多啊.

Yes and no. This is an international practice you must purchase a return ticket if you do not have the right of residence in that country.

It depends on the length of your student visa. If you come to Canada for a short stay for a month, you will need a return ticket.

If you stay here for a year, your student visa will give you the temporary residence rights, so you do not need a return ticket.

It depends on the length of your stay and the terms in your student authorization. When you receive it, read carefully any fine prints at the lower left corner. If it says you do not have temporary residence rights, you will have to buy a return ticket.

In most circumstances, Citienship and Immigration Canada will grant the student visa and the temporary residence rights together.

不 单程也可以 一般订的都是单程票