韦博英语 英孚哪个好:各位大哥大姐,帮我用英文翻译一下这篇中文,拜托了

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 09:43:01

My e-mail file has been left untouched for a long while. For this reason, it was only yesterday that I chanced to check it and, much to my delight, your letter presented itself before my eyes. Please accept my heartfelt apology for delaying the response.
Your letter familiarizes me with the fact that you have been leading a meaningful life. In addition, I feel it proper to extend sincere congratulations to you on your getting the driving license.
As you mentioned in the letter, you have been getting along with a friend of the opposite sex. I am both happy about it and envious of you. As for me, I used to have a boyfriend until just a short time ago, who was my schoolmate. Though we made acquaintance with each other four years ago, we got into a serious relationship two years ago. However, we broke up in the end for some reason, which plunged me into great distress for a long period of time. At any rate, now that I have got over the pain and sadness, I am confident that there will be far better a romance lying ahead for me, won't there?
Since we have lost contact with each other for so long a time, I really miss you. Sometimes in the past I would think that you may have forgotten me. The accidental check of my e-mail brought me so much unexpected delight beyond description. You seem to have done well in life, of which I am also proud.
Speaking of my college life, it has gone through not a few changes. The day I entered the campus, I felt extremely lonely and helpless. Being far away from home and living with unfamiliar schoolmates from different parts of the country, I was put under great pressure and uneasiness. Fortunately, with time going by, I gradually accustomed myself to the new environment.
Even though I have a lot to share with you, my thought just fails me at the critical moment. All right, that's all for the time being. I think it is your turn to reveal to me more about your life. I am really interested in how you got along after we were separated.
Looking forward to your reply, I wholeheartedly wish you best luck.

Dear xxx,
很高兴收到你的来信,我好久没打开邮箱了,昨天才看到你的回信,很抱歉。I'm glad to see you e-mail! Sorry that I just got a chance to checked my inbox yesterday. 看了你的信,我感觉到你的生活很充实,恭喜你拿到了驾驶执照。From your letter, I sensed that you're living a good life. And congratulations to you of getting your driver's license. 听你说你找了男朋友,我很为你高兴,还有点羡慕你。I heard that you've met a new boyfriend and I feel very happy for you --- I guess a bit jealousy in there too. 其实在不久之前,我也交了一个男朋友,他是我的同学,我们认识有四年了,谈了两年,但是因为一些其他的原因我们分手了,这一段时间我心里都不大好受,不过也没什么,我相信还有更好的爱情在等待着我,你说对吗?Actually, I had a boyfriend whom I met in school. We've known each other for four years, but....he became my ex-boyfriend two years ago. I had a pretty bad time after our broke-up, but I'm over it now. After all, I believe there must a better relationsip awaiting for me, right? 我们好久没联系了,好想你,在这以前真的以为你把我给忘了,那天偶尔的打开邮箱看到你的来信,我好开心啊。We havn't talked for so long that I thought you forgot about me. I missed you alot and it surprised me and made me feel really happy when I saw your e-mail. 看样子你现在过的很好吧,很为你开心。I suppose you're pretty satisfied with your life, I'm so happy for you. 现在我已经进了大学了,感觉到自己在这个地方很孤独,刚开始来的时候很无助,好多来自不同地方的同学聚在了一起,离开了家的那种感觉很不好受,不过现在时间久了,也都习惯了。 I'm enrolled in an university now. It's pretty hard in the beginning for me and I felt really lonely, because this place is made up of a lot of people who come from different places/cities. Homesickness was really starting to get into me but now I'm more used to it and felt better eventually.
心里有好多话想跟你说,但又不知道从哪说起,好了,我说了这么多,你跟我说说你的概况吧!There are still so much things to talk to you about but don't really know where to start. All right, I've talked so much, tell me more about you in the next e-mail. 好想知道你这段时间在干些什么,好了,就写到这吧!I really want to know what you've been up to lately hehe write back soon!

XingXing Ye