李嘉诚多少资产:有人看过Touching the Void这本书吗,有没有中译本

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 16:47:15

A recent article on "Touching the Void" focused on the reactions of mountaineers to films about their often deadly avocation. 最近有一篇叫做触摸苍穹的文章讲述了登山者对登山题材影片的看法Many commented that virtually no movie dealing with mountain climbing felt real to them. 许多人表示事实上这些片子里没有能真实反映他们感受的I suspect that Kevin MacDonald's gripping part re-enactment, part-documentary may be the rare exception that will capture the interest of amateur and professional mountaineers. 我想凯文麦克唐纳引人入胜的一半摄制一半文献的片子是个例外,抓住了业余和职业登山者的心(I haven't climbed since 1966 when I and two fellow Army officers set the record for summiting Seoul, Korea's Namsan from its almost inaccessible east face.1966年我和两个同僚创下了登山韩国汉城的NAMSAN山不可企及的东山坡的记录之后,我就再没登过山)
Simon, a very experienced climber, and Joe, a younger devotee, sought to be the first to reach the top of Peru's Siula Grande through a forbidding and unconquered approach.西蒙是个颇有经验的登山者,乔则是个年轻的登山爱好者,试图从一条极其危险、不可征服的路径成为首先登上秘鲁的siula grand山的人 Before heading to a remote location to establish a base camp they picked up Richard, a traveler with no experience or interest in climbing but a hale-fellow-well-met willing to babysit the camp while the two adventurers climbed在向教员的目标出发并扎下营地之前,他们选择了理查德——一个不喜欢登山但是十分强壮的人——在他们启程之前看守营地
