
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/02 20:07:53
1, 乙方无条件将棉花提苗壮苗(双胞胎1)和化控整枝、保花保蕾(双胞胎2)生产技术转让给甲方,且中国只转让此一家,并确保技术的成熟和增产效果。
2, 甲方必须购进乙方原料,2004年先做试验,2005年必须购进原料30万美元以上,2006年至2008年,每年必须购进50万美元以上。
3, 乙方提供技术后,甲方需向乙方支付1万美元保证金,此款在合同执行完后最后一笔原料款中扣除。
4, 原料价格:提苗壮苗素:2.8万美元/吨;防落保蕾素:5万美元/吨;化控整枝素:8万美元/吨;膨桃素:3.2万美元/吨 (以上均为到口岸价)
5, 2008年以后,乙方无条件将生产原料技术提供给甲方,由甲方自行生产,本合同自行终止。
6, 解决合同纠纷的方式,因履行本合同发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决,协商不成的,依法向当地人民法院起诉。
7, 未尽事宜双方协商解决。


Book contract
Party of the First Part : B :
Scientific and technological achievements in order to enable the market for China's agricultural production and integration of advanced technology in the world. A and B sides agreed by the agreement.
1, B unconditional cotton to be strong sprout Miao (twin 1) and the control uses, and maintaining a Bulgarian security (twin 2) production technology to the Party of the First Part, and the transfer of only one China and that the technical maturity and production results. 2, the Party of the First Part B must buy raw materials, 2004 first tests in 2005 to buy raw materials 30 million, from 2006 to 2008, 500,000 U.S. dollars each year to purchase more.
3, B provides technical, Party of the First Part B need to pay 10,000 U.S. dollars bond, after the implementation of the final paragraph in the contract, a raw materials deducted.
4, the price of raw materials : to Miao strong sprout Su : 28,000 U.S. dollars; Bulgarian security Su-up : 50,000 U.S. dollars; Of control grows Su : 80,000 U.S. dollars; Chang peach Su : 32,000 U.S. dollars (more ports are to price) 5, 2008, the Party of the Second Part unconditional production technologies available to the Party of the First Part of raw materials from their own production Party of the First Part of the contract to be terminated.
6, the way to resolve contract disputes, disagreements for the discharge of this contract, the parties negotiated settlement negotiations fail, according to the local people's court.
7, not on the parties to settle. Party of the First Part :
Party of the First Part : B :