凌有为 传销:rather than 、 instead 以及instead of 都是什么意思怎么用?举例

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/08 20:59:42

rather than就是比起什么更什么,一般都是更喜欢什么
instead of,就是以什么什么代替什么什么,不过一般也是除了什么以外。

一.instead意为“代替”“替代”,作副词用,通常位于句尾。如位于句首时常用逗号与后面阁开。instead 在顺接句子中作“代替”讲,而在转折(或逆转)句子中作“然而”讲。

例如:1.Lily isn't here. Ask Lucy instead.

Lily不在这儿,去问Lucy吧. [注意]当instead在祈使句中时,只能位于句末。

2.she didn't answer me, instead, she asked me another question.


二.instead of是介宾短语,其意与instead相同,不同之处在于它后面常接宾语,起宾语多由名词、代词、介词、短语、动词 + ing 形式充当。

例如:1.We'll ask Li Mei instead of Mary.


2.I'll go instead of her.


三.instead 与instead of的转换。

例如: 1.He didn't answer me, instead, he asked me another

question → He asked me another question instead of answering me.

2.I'll of instead of her.→She won't go.I'll go instead

rather than 宁可,而不
如:I'd like to stay rather than go.(选择后者)

instead 代替,顶替 如果不加of,后面一般不接宾语.
如:I will stay instead.(选择"留下")

instead of
1,代替 如:He will go instead of you.(选择前者)
2,而不(与rather than用法差不多,但注意用-ing形式)
如:I'd like to go instead of staying.(选择后者)


rather than:“而不是,与其说...倒不如说...”,有一种比较的含义
He is a fool rather than a giant.他是个傻瓜而不是天才(与其说他是个天才还不如说是个傻瓜)
instead of +n:代替of 后面的名词
He went to Shanghai instead of Shenzhen.他没去深圳,而去了上海
instead 是个副词,放在句首或句末,She didn't go to school.Instead, she went to play tennis.