
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/09/30 00:28:00
In the 8-bit bus interface mode (12/8 input wired to DIGITAL COMMON), the address bit, AO, must be stable at least 150 ns prior to CE going high and must remain stable during the entire read cycle. If AO is allowed to change, damage to the AD574A output buffers may result.

在8位总线接口模式下(12/8 输入线路接到DIGITAL COMMON), 地址位AO在CE上的电平上升前必须至少保持150纳秒的稳定期,而且在整个数据读取过程中也必须保持稳定。 如果改变AO电压, AD574A的输出缓冲将会受到损坏。