来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 09:38:17
Management by objectives (MBO) goes back to 1954 when Peter Drucker proclaimed it as the management system of the future. It was credited with the flourishing of Western business in the 1950s and 1960s and seems common sense.
The tasks to be carried out are described.
They are associated with expected outcomes.
These are quantified, and time constraints and conditions are specified.
The people entrusted with carrying out the tasks are accountable for achieving these defined, measurable objectives.
The system is based on a hierarchical structure where the objectives and sub-objectives and sub-sub-objectives are passed `down' in a cascade, so that each employee is governed through a set of performance standards or work quotas. Reddin (1977) defines MBO as:
The establishment of effectiveness areas and effectiveness standards for managerial positions and the periodic conversion of these into measurable time-bounded objectives linked vertically and horizontally and with future planning.
Unfortunately, MBO often encourages quantity over quality, short-term over long-term success, controls over dynamic improvements and innovation, the emphasis on results rather than on the processes leading to them, individual accountability rather than scrutiny of the systems within which staff work, individual performance over team work, and inward orientation over customer orientation. Since all this is happening despite warnings from interpreters of MBO, the system appears to be somewhat conducive to these pitfalls.
Over the last couple of decades the success rate of MBO-led companies and organizations has become less than spectacular in comparison with a new management philosophy which established the relationship between quality and competitiveness and which has been used by Dr Edwards Deming and other consultants (Deming & Edwards, 1982a/b; Scherkenbach & William, 1987). It has, in particular, helped Japan to overtake the US economically. This philosophy is called total quality management (TQM).
TQM seeks continuous improvement in the quality of performance of all the processes, products and services of an organization. It emphasizes the understanding of variation, the importance of measurement, the role of the customer, and the involvement of employees at all levels of an organization in the pursuit of such improvement. An important feature of this philosophy is that management plays a key role and carries the responsibility for the bulk of mistakes, defects and waste.
When comparing modern texts of MBO and TQM, there seem to be no striking contradictions, rather shifts of emphasis. However, MBO is built on old ingrained attitudes, and some modem aspects are emphasized inadequately. Although MBO could claim flexibility at the time of its formation, it now appears rigid when contrasted with TQM. Table 1 contains a brief comparison of the two management systems.

目标管理(员工自组)可以追溯到1954年,当时宣布彼得杜拉克的管理体制的未来. 这是比照西方商业繁荣在50年代和60年代,是常识.
该系统是基于一种等级结构,目标和分目标,分分目标是通过降低''一式,让每个员工须通过一套标准或工作绩效的指标. Reddin(1977)定义为员工自组:
不幸的是,员工自组常常鼓励数量轻质量,短期对长期成功控制动态改进和创新,注重结果而非过程,导致他们个人的责任,而不是审查制度,使工作、个人表现团队精神,面向超过顾客导向. 出现这种情况,因为所有的员工自组翻译尽管警告,该系统有利于这些似乎有点危险.
过去几十年来的成功率员工自组的公司领导和组织已经不到壮观相比,新的管理理念,建立关系的质量和竞争力,并已被医生爱德华德明和其它顾问(德明科学爱德华1982a/b. 威廉Scherkenbach科学,1987). 它尤其是帮助日本经济超越美国. 这一理论被称为全面质量管理(TQM).
TQM要求不断提高工作质量的过程中,产品和服务的一个组织. 它强调不同的理解,必须衡量客户的作用,让职工在各级组织的这种追求进步. 这一理论的一个重要特点是,管理中起着关键作用,并有责任为主要错误,缺点和浪费.
比较现代的文本和员工自组TQM,似乎没有明显的矛盾,而重点的转移. 但是,员工自组是以旧观念根深蒂固,有些方面强调没有调制解调器. 虽然可以要求员工自组成立时的弹性,现在看来,严格对照TQM. 表1中的两个比较简单的管理系统.