
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/11 20:40:51

Shenyang-China International horticultural exposition

A brief introduction to Shenyang Expo
The International Horticultural Exposition is the highest professional exposition in the world.
On September 1st, 2004, Shenyang, China successfully bade for holding 2006 International Horticultural Exposition (hereinafter Shenyang Expo) at the 56th conference of the International Association of Horticulture Producers. After Kunming Exposition, Shenyang Expo is the second international horticultural exposition held in China, which, together with the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing and the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai, is described as the event reflecting China's influence to the world at the early 21st century.
Shenyang Expo is located at the southern foot of Mount Qipan International Tourism Resort. Due to its picturesque views and the large landscape (taking up 190 km2), Mount Qipan International Tourism Resort is known as the natural model of Chinese landscape paintings by both Chinese and foreign visitors. Built in the old Shenyang Botanic Garden (the core of Mount Qipan International Tourism Resort), Shenyang Expo centers in its south part (which is already constructed) and the north part (which is under construction), and extends to the east and the south of the Botanic Garden. Covering 2.26 km2 of the land as its core garden and 5 km2 as its background garden, Shenyang Expo is the biggest among all the international horticultural expositions in terms of area.
"Man lives harmoniously with nature" is the theme of Shenyang Expo. Five features characterizes this Expo: the biggest horticultural exposition, the northern horticultural exposition, the horticultural exposition in the forest, the horticultural exposition with the exhibition of city architectural culture and the horticultural exposition under the concept of environmental and ecological protection. This Expo will begin on May 1st, 2006 and end on October 31st, 2006, lasting for 184 days in total. It is hosted by Liaoning Provincial Government, Ministry of Construction of P. R. China, Ministry of Commerce of P. R. China, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, National Tourism Administration of P. R. China and China Flowers Association, and assisted by People's Government of Shenyang, Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture and Chinese Association of Park.
Shenyang Expo possesses four theme buildings, three special sights and a hundred typical exhibition gardens, with plenty of fascinating activities and performances, delicious food centers and shopping sites embedded in them. During the whole exhibition, the predicted visitors will amount to 10 million.
"The world has offered Shenyang an opportunity, and Shenyang will definitely create a miracle from it." Taking this chance, Shenyang will show to the whole world its new image as a modern metropolis.

沈阳世园会精心选定在占地190平方公里,风光秀美、景致万千、被中外游人称为"中国山水画原本" 棋盘山国际风景旅游开发区南麓,建于开发区的几何中心"沈阳植物园"原址之上,以沈阳植物园已建成的南区和开发建设的北区为核心区,并向东、南方向拓展,由2.46平方公里的核心园区和5平方公里背景区构成,是历次"世园会"中占地规模最大的。
沈阳世园会的主题是"我们与自然和谐共生",它具有五大特色:世界上最大的园艺博览会;森林里的园艺博览会;北方特色的园艺博览会;展示城市建筑文化的园艺博览会;环保生态型园艺博览会。展会将于 2006年5月1日至10月31日举办,展期184天,主办单位为辽宁省人民政府、中华人民共和国建设部、中华人民共和国商务部、中国国际贸易促进委员会、中国花卉协会,沈阳人民政府承办,由中国风景园林学会与中国公园协会协办。
沈阳世园会拥有四大主题建筑和三大特色景 观、100个国内外风情展园、多种精彩刺激的娱乐表演和令人垂涎欲滴的国内外美食,届时参观人数将达1000万人次。

