
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/05 11:56:39
4 .Future of the Internet
Trying to predict the future of the Internet is not an easy task . Few would have imagined even say ,three years ago ,the extent to which the Internet has now become a part of everyday life in business ,homes and schools .There are a number of things ,however ,about which we can be fairly certain.
Bandwidth requirement will continue to increase at increase at massive rates ;not only is the number of Internet users growing rapidly ,but the applications being used are becoming more advanced and therefore need more bandwidth .this is the reason why the number of core(backbone)service providers has grown from four in 1995 to around 48 today (whereas the number of Internet connection providers has grown only moderately).However ,new technologies such as Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM)will help to get the most bandwidth from currently installed fiber.
Today it is possible to hear radio stations from almost any part of the globe via the Internet .Today this is at around AM quality. Soon FM-quality radio and video-on-demand will be driving the bandwidth requirement.
Many businesses have already completed an experimental period of Internet access and are moving towards using the Internet for serious business use both intra- and inter-company.
This has been made possible by the rapid advances in TCP/IP security technologies made in only the last one to two years. In the not too distant future ,the availability of private ,secure high bandwidth networking from Internet providers may well make many companies question the feasibility of their current in-house wide area networks.
Today we already have Voice over IP technology .As this technology matures we are almost certain to see a sharing of bandwidth between voice and data across the Internet. This raises some interesting questions for phone companies .The cost to a user of an Internet connection between New York and Japan is the same as a connection within New York-not so a phone connection .This ,and the fact that the Internet is deregulated ,will raise many interesting questions in the years to come.

带宽的需求会以庞大的比率持续增长,这不只是因为互连网用户的快速增长,也因为那些应用程序的发展而需要更多的带宽.这也是为什么核心(主力)的服务提供商的数量由95年的4个发展到现在的大约48个(而网络的介入商却只保持了适度的增长).但是如同Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM)这样的新技术可以帮助(人们)从现有的线缆中得到大部分的带宽.

4 互联网的Future 设法预言互联网的未来不是一项容易的任务。少数会想象甚而言, 三年前, 程度互联网现在成为了日常生活的部份在事务, 家并且学校There 是一定数量的事, 然而, 我们能相当肯定。带宽要求将继续增加在增量以;not 唯一是互联网用户的数量迅速地生长的巨型的率, 在1995 年但是应用被使用成为推进和需要因此更多带宽this 是原因为什么core(backbone)service 提供者的数量今天增长从四到大约48 (但是互联网连接提供者的数量生长了唯一moderately).However, 新技术譬如密集波浪分部多元化(DWDM)will 帮助得到多数带宽从当前安装的纤维。今天它是可能听见电台从几乎任一地球的部份通过互联网Today 这是在上午质量前后。很快FM 质量收音机和录影在要求驾驶带宽要求。许多企业结束了互联网通入的一个实验性期间和已经是移动的往使用互联网至于严肃的企业使用内部和公司间。这由迅速前进使成为可能在TCP/IP 安全技术被做在只最近一到二年。在不远的将来, 私有, 安全高带宽网络的可及性从互联网提供者也许涌出做许多公司问题他们当前的机构内部的大范围网络的可行性。今天我们已经有声音在IP 这技术成熟我们几乎肯定看分享带宽在声音和数据之间横跨互联网的技术As 。这提出一些有趣的问题为电话公司The 花费对互联网连接的用户在纽约之间并且日本是相同作为连接在新约克没有之内如此电话连接This, 并且事实互联网被解除管制, 将提出许多有趣的问题在未来之内。