
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/05 12:02:47
Billy Sunday竭力想劝阻Carl Brashear退出这个从来没有黑人加入的行当。但Carl Brashear顽强地坚持了下来,他用自己的行动一举打破了白人独占潜水领域的局面,突破了海军中最为严格的种族界线,并进入美国海军的潜水精英----深海潜水搜救部队。 1966年在处置深海核弹头的突发事故之中,布拉希尔不幸失去了他的半条脚。此时,Billy Sunday则全力帮助Carl Brashear战胜巨大伤痛,和他一起勇敢地与种族歧视和军队中的官僚作风挑战,共同为美国海军历史潜水搜救写下光辉的篇章。

Billy Sunday wants to advise against Carl Brashear by might and main to withdraw from this the trade which never has the black to join. But Carl Brashear tenaciously had persisted down, he used own motion to break the Caucasian to monopolize the diving domain at one fell swoop the aspect, broke through in the navy the strictest race demarcation line, and entered the United States Navy the diving outstanding person --- - deep sea diving search and rescue army. In 1966 arise suddenly in the accident in the handling deep sea nuclear warhead, 布拉希尔 has unfortunately lost his half foot. This time, Billy Sunday then with all one's strength helps Carl Brashear to defeat the huge grief, with him together bravely and in the racial discrimination and the army bureaucrat attitude challenge, writes down the glory together for the United States Navy history diving search and rescue the chapter