
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/09/30 00:35:07
1. 1.详细做笔记
2. 2.注意身体
3. 3.中学毕业
4. 4.有用的词汇
5. 5.对英语下功夫
6. 6.有很大的进步
7. 7.去参加音乐会
8. 8.乐于助人
9. 9.练习口语
10. 10.国庆节
11. 11.五路公交车
12. 12.在2006年5月17日
13. 13.很多城市
14. 14.五条裤子
15. 15.三快肥皂
16. 16.五班的学生
17. 17.我妈妈的朋友
18. 18.在湖边散步
19. 19.喜欢网上聊天
20. 20.热爱工作
21. 21.养成良好的生活习惯
22. 22.我喜欢英语吗?
23. 23.你明天工作几小时?八小时。
24. 24.你昨天几点起床的?
25. 25.下周我们要去北京开会。
26. 26.我小时候经常踢球。
27. 27.他们要去哪里?
28. 28.他们正在会议室开会。
29. 29.你感冒的时候应该多喝水。
30. 30.我们开会的时候,严禁开手机。

1.详细做笔记 take careful notes
2.注意身体 take good care of oneself
3. 3.中学毕业 graduate from high school
4.有用的词汇 useful words
5.对英语下功夫 work hard on/at English
6.有很大的进步 make great progress
7.去参加音乐会 go to a concert
8.乐于助人 be ready to help others
9.练习口语 practise one's spoken English
10.国庆节 National Day
11.五路公交车 Bus No. 5
12.在2006年5月17日 on May 17, 2006
13.很多城市 many cities
14.五条裤子 five pairs of trousers
15.三快肥皂 three bars of soapbar
16.五班的学生 students from Class 5
17.我妈妈的朋友 my mother's friends
18.在湖边散步 take a walk along the lake
19.喜欢网上聊天 like chatting online
20.热爱工作 love one's work/job
21.养成良好的生活习惯 form a good living habit
22.我喜欢英语吗? Do I like English?
23.你明天工作几小时?八小时。 How many hours will you work tomorrow? Eight hours.
24.你昨天几点起床的? What time did you get up yesterday?
25.下周我们要去北京开会。We will leave for Beijing to have a meeting next week.
26.我小时候经常踢球。I used to play football when I was a kid.
27.他们要去哪里? When are they going?
28.他们正在会议室开会。 They are having a meeting in the meeting-room.
29.你感冒的时候应该多喝水。 You should drink plenty of water when you have had a cold.
30.我们开会的时候,严禁开手机。Mobile phones should be kept off when we are having a meeting.

1.take the notes in detail 2.take good care of oneself
3. graduate from high school 4. useful vocabulary
5 learn English hard 6.make great progress
7.go to a concert 8.be willing to help others
9. practise one's spoken English 10.National Day 11.Bus No. 5
12.on May 17, 2006 13.a great many cities 14.five pairs of trousers
15.pieces of soap 16. students of Class 5 17.friends of my mother's
18.take a walk along the lake 19.like chatting online
20.love one's work/job 21.form /have a good living habit
22. Am I fond of English?
23.How many hours will you work tomorrow? Eight hours.
24. What time did you get up yesterday?
25.We will leave for Beijing to have a meeting next week.
26.I used to play football when I was a kid.
27.When are they going?
28.They are having a meeting in the meeting-room.
29. You should drink more water when you have a cold.
30.Mobile phones forbidden when we are having a meeting

1.详细做笔记 take notes carefully/make a detailed note of something
2. 2.注意身体 take good care of oneself
3. 3.中学毕业 graduate from high school
4. 4.有用的词汇 useful vocabulary
5. 5.对英语下功夫 work hard on English
6. 6.有很大的进步 make great progress
7. 7.去参加音乐会 go to a concert
8. 8.乐于助人 be willing/ready to help others
be obliging
9. 9.练习口语 practise one's oral English
10. 10.国庆节 National Day
11. 11.五路公交车 Bus No. 5
12. 12.在2006年5月17日 on May 17th, 2006
13. 13.很多城市 in many cities
14. 14.五条裤子 five pairs of trousers
15. 15.三快肥皂 three bars of soapbar
16. 16.五班的学生 students from Class 5
17. 17.我妈妈的朋友 my Mother's friends
18. 18.在湖边散步 take a walk around/along the lake
19. 19.喜欢网上聊天 like chatting on net
20. 20.热爱工作 love one's work
21. 21.养成良好的生活习惯 cultivate/develop a good living habit
22. 22.我喜欢英语吗? Do I like English?
23. 23.你明天工作几小时?八小时。 How many hours will you work tomorrow? Eight hours.

24.你昨天几点起床的? When did you get up yesterday?

25.下周我们要去北京开会。We will go to Beijing for a meeting next week.

26.我小时候经常踢球。I often played football when I was a kid.

27.他们要去哪里? When are they going?

28.他们正在会议室开会。 They are having a meeting in the meeting-room.

29.你感冒的时候应该多喝水。 You should drink plenty of water when you catch a cold.

30.我们开会的时候,严禁开手机。Cell phones are forbidden during our meeting.

1 take the notes carefully
2 take of oneself
3 graduate from high school
4 useful vocabulary
5 work hard in English
6 have big progress
7 go to the concert
8 enthusiasm
9 practice spoken English
10 national day
11 No.5 bus
12 on 17th of May, 2006
13 many cities
14 5 pairs of trousers
15 3 pieces of soap
16 the students from Class 5
17 my mum's friend
18 walk near the lake
19 like to chat online
20 love the job
21 make good living habit
22 Do I like English?
23 How many hours will you work tomorrow? 8 hours
24 What time did you get up yesterday
25 we will hold a meeting next week
26 I used to play soccer when I was young
27 Where are they going?
28 They are now holding a meeting in the conference room
29 You should drink much water when you caught a cold
30 No mobiles allowed during the meeting

1,take notes carefully
2,take care
3,gradulate from high school
4,usefull vocabulary
5,do a lot in English learning
6,make great progress
7,go to concert
9,practice oral English
10,the National Day
11,the No.5 bus
12,on 17th,May,2006
13,many cities
14,five trousers
15,three soap(不可数名词)
16,students in class five
17,my mother's friends
18,take a walk by the side of the lake
19,like have a chat on the net
20,love working
21,take to good habits
22,Do I like English?
23,How long will you work tomorrow?Eight hours.
24,When did you get up yesterday?
25,We will have a meeting in Beijing next week.
26,I used to play football so much.
27,Where they go?
28,They are having meeting in meeting room.
29,You should drink more water when you catch cold.
30,Turn off you cellphone please ,when we have meeting.

1. 1.Detailed take note
2. 2.Notice the body
3. 3.The high school graduation
4. 4.The useful phrase remit
5. 5.Put forth effort to English
6. 6.Have the very big progress
7. 7.Attend music meeting
8. 8.Take pleasure in help others
9. 9.Practice the vernacular speech
10. 10.Great occasion of nation stanza
11. 11.Five road buses
12. 12.On May 17 in 2006
13. 13.A lot of city
14. 14.Five pairs of pants
15. 15.Three quick soaps
16. 16.Five classes student
17. 17.My mother's friend
18. 18.Take a walk in the by the lake
19. 19.Like the on-line chat
20. 20.Have a passion for the work
21. 21.Develop the good life habit
22. 22.Do I like English?
23. 23.How many hours will you work tomorrow?Eight hours.
24. 24.You yesterday what time get up of?
25. 25.We will want to go to the conference of Peking next week.
26. 26.In childhood I usually kicked ball.
27. 27.Where do they want to go?
28. 28.They are holding a meeting in the board room.
29. 29.Should drink water more at the time that you catch cold.
30. 30.At the time that we hold a meeting, strictly forbid to open the cellular phone.