
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/02 20:12:58
英国的全称为:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),由靠近欧洲大陆西北部海岸的不列颠群岛的大部分岛所组成,她隔北海、多佛尔海峡和英吉利海峡同欧洲大陆相望,是一个岛国。


英国居民多信基督教新教,北爱尔兰地区部分居民信天主教。依英国历史性和地理性划分为英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰四个行政区。1974年地方行政制度改革后,英格兰划分为39个普通郡及7个大都会区;威尔士划分为8个普通郡;苏格兰地区仍沿用旧制,有12个郡, 北爱尔兰划分为26个自治郡。英国冬温夏凉,属海洋性温带气候。

我国北京与英国格林威治标准时间相差8小时, 即英国格林威治标准时间为零时,而我国北京是早晨8时。

British-called : the United Kingdom (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), close to the European continent from the north-west coast of the island of Britain Islands formed, she separated the North Sea, Dover Strait and the English Channel and across the European continent is an island. Her total area of 244,100 square kilometres. By the integration of four different tribal peoples, namely England, Wales, Scottish, Irish people, consisting of England were up 80% of the total population. British residents Protestant Christianity, Roman Catholicism in Northern Ireland to some residents. According to the British divided into historic and geographic England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland four boroughs. 1974 local administrative system reform, England was divided into 39 general county and seven metropolitan areas; Wales is divided into eight general county; Scotland region still use the old system, there were 12 county, Northern Ireland is divided into 26 autonomous counties. Win cool summer English winter, the climate is temperate maritime in nature. My rule standards 13:38 Beijing time difference with Britain eight hours, the British Standard Time 13:38 rule zero, and my Beijing is 8:00

British-called : the United Kingdom (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), close to the European continent from the north-west coast of the island of Britain Islands formed, she separated the North Sea, Dover Strait and the English Channel and across the European continent is an island. Her total area of 244,100 square kilometres. By the integration of four different tribal peoples, namely England, Wales, Scottish, Irish people, consisting of England were up 80% of the total population. British residents Protestant Christianity, Roman Catholicism in Northern Ireland to some residents. According to the British divided into historic and geographic England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland four boroughs. 1974 local administrative system reform, England was divided into 39 general county and seven metropolitan areas; Wales is divided into eight general county; Scotland region still use the old system, there were 12 county, Northern Ireland is divided into 26 autonomous counties. Win cool summer English winter, the climate is temperate maritime in nature. My rule standards 13:38 Beijing time difference with Britain eight hours, the British Standard Time 13:38 rule zero, and my Beijing is 8:00

The full name of the British is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,consist of most of the islands of Britain which is closed to the north-west coast of the European continent,between she and the European continent there are North Sea, Dover Strait and the English Channel,and she is a country of island.