
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 21:18:40
Documentary Collections
Other types of transport documents will serve as a contract of carriage, but do not act as
a document of title. Documents of title are legal instruments that evidence the ownership of
goods. Common documents of title include dock receipts, warehouse receipts, and bills of lading.
They are issued by a pay (known as the bailee) in receipt for goods taken into its possession
from a bailor. Documents of title may be either negotiable or nonnegotiable. A negotiable
document is one that can legally be transferred from one party to another in return for value or
payment. Negotiable documents of title are used to transfer ownership of goods from one party to
another without the necessity of transferring physical possession of the goods themselves. The
property can stay in the possession of the bailee, while the owner can safely trade,barter,pledge,
or deal with it in the commercial world.
Typically, the documentary collection works like this: The seller places the goods in the
hands of a carrier and receives a bill of lading in return. The seller indorses the bill of lading and
presents it to the bank for collection. Along with the bill of lading, the seller will include other
essential documents, such as a marine insurance policy on the goods covering the risks of the
ocean voyage. A certificate of origin may be required by customs regulations in the buyer's
country. The seller's commercial invoice describing the goods and showing the price to be paid is
always required. Finally, a documentary draft will be needed to expedite the exchange of money.
The draft is a negotiable instrument used to make payment for the invoice and for the bill of
lading. The draft is a negotiable "order to pay" made out by the seller, drawn on the buyer for
collection, and payable to the order of the seller. Its purpose is to tell the parties how much to pay
when purchasing the bill of lading. The draft will also be needed by the bank if financing is to be
provided for the sale. Other documents may be required, as well, depending on the needs of the
parties or the export-import regulations of their countries.
The seller's bank forwards the draft and documents to a collecting bank in the buyer's
country, with instructions that the documents can be released to the buyer only upon payment of
the draft. The collecting bank negotiates the documents to the buyer upon payment of the draft,
and remits the money back to the seller's bank. In addition to the many variations of the
collection process, banks offer a range of trade finance services to help finance the deal between
buyer and seller.


其他类型的运输单据将会视为一个运输合同, 但是不担任
一个所有权凭证。 所有权证件是合法的证券那一个证据所有权
货物。 公共的所有权证件包括码头收入分类, 仓库收入分类 , 和进口提单。
他们被变入的一个薪酬 ( 已知的如受寄人) 发行作为进入它的占有之内被轮流的货物
从一个寄托人。 所有权证件可能或是可谈判的或非可谈判的。 一个可流通的
支付。 所有权证件被用转移货物的所有权的可流通的从一个政党到
另外的没有转移货物他们自己实际占有的必需品。 那
典型地,跟单托收工厂喜欢这: 卖主投货物在那
退还的一个搬运工和收入的手一个提单。 卖主背书提单和
将它呈现给银行作为收款。 连同提单一起,卖主将会包括其他的
必要的单据, 像是货物的一个水险保单弥补风险那
海运航海。 一个原产地证书可能被买主的关税税则需要
国家。 描述货物而且表现要支付的价格卖主的商业发票是
总是需要。 最后,一个跟单汇票将会被需要加快货币的交易所。
装货。 汇票是一个可流通的了解 " 命令付款 " 在~手边卖主, 兑取买主为
收款 , 和应付 XX台头卖主。 它的目的是告诉政党该多少付
当购买提单的时候。 如果筹措资金是,汇票也将会被银行需要是
提供作为卖。 其他单据可能被需要, 也, 仰赖需要那
政党或他们的国家输出- 进口规则。
国家, 藉由指令单据能被在支付之上对买主只有比值
汇票。 代收行在汇票的支付之上对买主谈判单据,
而且 (债务返回卖主的银行货币。 除了许多之外变化那
收款加工, 银行提供多种的交易财务劳务帮助融资交易在