
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/02 16:01:43
伦敦是英国首都,也是国际大都会。伦敦是英国政治、经济、交通中心和最大港口;功能齐全的综合性城市;文化艺术名城。人口690.5万。大伦敦大体呈四个圈层的同心圆式,包括伦敦城、内伦敦(伦敦城外的12个市区)、外伦敦(内伦敦以外的20个市区)。总面积1580平方千米。依据城市特点,大伦敦又可分为伦敦城、西伦敦、东伦敦、南区、港口区和郊区等几部分。伦敦城面积仅为1.6平方千米,是英国历史中心和古王宫所在地,现为金融资本和贸易中心。西伦敦为全市最繁华的商业、文化区、王宫白金汉宫、首相宫邸唐宁街10号、会议大厦、政府机关白厅所在地,东伦敦和南区为工商业区和住宅区。郊区多公寓和别墅,是英国航空工业和汽车制造中心。 伦敦是有2000年悠久历史的世界著名城市。其名胜古迹和现代化建筑多姿多彩,美不胜收。白金汉宫始建于16世纪,收藏大量珍贵家具、绘画和工艺品。威斯敏斯特宫庄严典雅,为伦敦最壮丽的哥特式建筑。圣保罗大教堂高110多米,以悠久的历史和壮观的圆形屋顶著名。此外,伦敦塔、伦敦塔桥、大英博物馆、图索德夫人馆、皇家植物园等亦为著名游览地。

London is a British capital city, is also nations mostly meeting.London is the British politics, economy, the transportation center and biggest ports;Comprehensive sex city of well-found function;A city of the cultural art.Population 6,905,000.Big body in big London presents a type of four layers, including the city of London, inside London(12 downtowns of the city of London outside), outside London.( inside London outside of 20 downtown)1580 thousand meters of squares of total area.According to the city characteristics, big London can is divided into several parts, such as city of London, west London, east London, south area, the port area and suburban area...etc. again.The city area of London is 1.6 thousand meters of squares only, is British history center and ancient WANG2 GONG's locateds, now for financial capital and trade center.The west London is the most prosperous business of whole city, cultural area, WANG2 GONG's platinum 汉 temple, prime minister the temple 邸 Tang rather white hall located of street No.10, meeting mansion, government agency, the east London and south area are the work business districts and living quarters.The suburban area has another the apartment and villas, is British aviation industry and automobiles to make the center. London is a city of world that has the history of long 2000.Its famous spot historic monument and modernization the building is versatile, rich in beauty.The platinum 汉 temple starts to set up in 16 centuries, collect a great deal of precious furniture, painting and handicraft products.The 威斯 敏斯 especially the temple is solemn cultured, for the most magnificent elder brother in London especially the type construct.The saint protects high more than 110 rices in big church of Luos, with long history and the circular roof 著 of the grand views.In addition, tower of London, tower bridge of London, big English museum, virtuous madam's building, the Royal botanical garden...etc. of the diagram 索 also sight-see the ground for the of 著 .
