
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/05 23:00:32
Allan called a week later to say thanks for the birthday dinner and gift, and to tell me that, yes, he had taken the sweatshirt back and a gift certificate was being mailed to me in my name. What I said to him may have been because of what he did, or maybe it was just the extra long week I'd had. Or maybe it was because, as I listened to Allan complain and complain, I was put off by all the negativity. "Allan," I said in exasperation, "you know I'm your friend, and you know I'd do anything for you, but really, your woebegone attitude is getting very old. All you do is focus on how miserable you are. Pardon my saying so, but I think your 'poor me' shtick is very selfish. I'm going to make a suggestion. I know this is going to be a major undertaking for you, but I'm going to suggest it anyway. Tomorrow, take three $100 bills and go to that grocery store that's near your house. Walk down several aisles observing the other people in the store as you walk. The moment you see a woman with several children, one you know has more bills than she can comfortably meet, walk up to her and, without saying anything other than 'I hope you haves great day, ma'am,' hand her one of those $100 bills. Then smile and walk away. Just so long as you give it to a mother with a group of children.

艾伦呼叫一星期之后为生日晚餐和礼物说谢谢, 和告诉我那,是的,他已经把运动衫拿回来,而且一个礼券正在我的名字中对我被邮寄。 我可能已经是因为他做的说,或也许它只是额外之物我有有的长星期。 或也许它是因为, 如同我听到艾伦一样控诉了又控诉,我被所有的否定性延期了。 "艾伦 ," 我在恼怒中说,"你知道,我是你的朋友,而且你认识,我将会为你做任何事,但是真的,你忧愁的态度正在非常旧。 全部你做是焦点在如何之上悲惨的你是。 如此宽恕我的叙述,但是我认为你的 '贫穷的我' 滑稽场面非常自私。 我将要发表一个提议。 我知道,这将要是你的一项主要的事业,但是我将要无论如何建议它。 明天, 轮流三 $100 帐单并且去那一间在你的房子附近的食品杂货商店。 当你走的时候,走下来一些走廊在商店中观察其他人。 片刻你和一些孩子见到一个女人, 一你知道有较她为多的帐单能安乐地遇见, 对她走上和, 不说任何事另外地超过 '我希望,你有很棒的日子,夫人,'传递她那些 $100 帐单之一。 然后微笑而且走开。 当你和一群孩子把它给一个母亲的时候,仅仅如此渴望。
