
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 20:19:03
春发生泡馍馆新添\'海味葫芦头\',增加了海参,鱿鱼,鸡丝等原料,味道更加鲜美。 奶汤锅子鱼 始于唐代宫廷食品\'乳酿鱼\'。以黄河鲤鱼为主料,用鸡,鸭,肘子,排骨炖成白色汤汁,配制后盛入铜火锅,上席时以西凤酒烧沸,夹鱼块蘸姜醋汁食用。鱼肉细嫩,汤汁鲜美。
9、肉 加 馍
在西安,老樊家几乎成了腊汁肉的代名词。腊汁肉起源于战国,当时称"寒肉",经世代流传、演变,遂成今日之秦味腊汁肉。樊记腊汁肉已有近百年历史,由一姓樊小贩所创。由于其选料精、调味全、火功到,又经长时间煨制,颜色红润、软烂醇香、久贮不变。食者有"肥肉吃了不腻口,瘦肉无渣满口油,不用牙咬肉自烂,食后余香久不散"之赞誉。 近年来,在制作工艺上严格执行操作规程,加大了瘦肉比例和香度,使其更加浓郁喷香,深受食者欢迎。多次被评为省市名优小吃。1989年又以其风味独特博得赞誉,荣获商业部优质产品"金鼎奖"。用刚出炉的白吉馍夹着吃,则馍香肉酥,回味无穷。
在西安的特色小吃中,最称的上一绝的莫属"饺子宴"的得名,它主要是由这种千姿百态的饺子组成的宴宾筵席, 故称之为 "西安饺子宴".尤为中外旅客所称道的是,上百种饺子,配以不同的馅,捏成不同的形状,玲珑剔透,或蒸或煮,好吃好看,每一款都有一个雅致的名称和传说,真是让人眼花缭乱,赞不绝口。"西安饺子宴"分为"百花宴"、"牡丹宴"、"龙凤宴"、"宫廷宴"、"八珍宴"等5个高、中、低档次、由180余种色彩造型、香味俱佳的饺子分别组成,可谓"一饺一格、百饺百味"。


春发生泡馍馆新添\'海味葫芦头\',增加了海参,鱿鱼,鸡丝等原料,味道更加鲜美。 奶汤锅子鱼 始于唐代宫廷食品\'乳酿鱼\'。以黄河鲤鱼为主料,用鸡,鸭,肘子,排骨炖成白色汤汁,配制后盛入铜火锅,上席时以西凤酒烧沸,夹鱼块蘸姜醋汁食用。鱼肉细嫩,汤汁鲜美。
9、肉 加 馍
在西安,老樊家几乎成了腊汁肉的代名词。腊汁肉起源于战国,当时称"寒肉",经世代流传、演变,遂成今日之秦味腊汁肉。樊记腊汁肉已有近百年历史,由一姓樊小贩所创。由于其选料精、调味全、火功到,又经长时间煨制,颜色红润、软烂醇香、久贮不变。食者有"肥肉吃了不腻口,瘦肉无渣满口油,不用牙咬肉自烂,食后余香久不散"之赞誉。 近年来,在制作工艺上严格执行操作规程,加大了瘦肉比例和香度,使其更加浓郁喷香,深受食者欢迎。多次被评为省市名优小吃。1989年又以其风味独特博得赞誉,荣获商业部优质产品"金鼎奖"。用刚出炉的白吉馍夹着吃,则馍香肉酥,回味无穷。
在西安的特色小吃中,最称的上一绝的莫属"饺子宴"的得名,它主要是由这种千姿百态的饺子组成的宴宾筵席, 故称之为 "西安饺子宴".尤为中外旅客所称道的是,上百种饺子,配以不同的馅,捏成不同的形状,玲珑剔透,或蒸或煮,好吃好看,每一款都有一个雅致的名称和传说,真是让人眼花缭乱,赞不绝口。"西安饺子宴"分为"百花宴"、"牡丹宴"、"龙凤宴"、"宫廷宴"、"八珍宴"等5个高、中、低档次、由180余种色彩造型、香味俱佳的饺子分别组成,可谓"一饺一格、百饺百味"。


8th, bald head
The bald head originally fries Bai Chang"in Song Dynasty's", hands down until now. Its 主料 by the pig large intestine, the pig tripe, the pig's intestines goes to the fishy smell add-on seasoning to boil the soup, again uses Tang Zhumo but to become. Its Tang Yanwei thick, fresh fragrant is palatable, is one kind of high saturated fatty acid, high cholesterol food. Has the rich taste mellow, fresh fragrant slides tenderly, is fat but is not greasy, old and young all suitable characteristic.
Spring occurs soaks the steamed bread hall to add \ newly' delicacies from the sea bald head \', increased the trepang, the squid, raw material and so on shredded chicken, the flavor has been tastier. The soup containing milk pot pristipomoides typus begins in Tang Dynasty palace food \The ' breast ferments fish \'. Take the Yellow River carp as 主料, with the chicken, the duck, the elbow, the spareribs cooks white 汤汁, after the configuration Sheng Rutong the hot pot, on when mat boils by the Xifeng liquor fever, clamps the fish steak to dip Jiang Cuzhi edible. Fish flesh delicate, 汤汁 is tasty.
The bald head is the Xi'an unique flavor snack, it and the mutton soak the steamed bread to have the similarity, namely with for breaks off the steamed bread, but the main raw material is not the mutton, but is the pig intestines. The bald head hands down the source in the Tang Dynasty, specializes in selling the pig intestines famous doctor Sun Simiao to Chang An the shop to eat meal thought the fishy smell big, greasy are many, knew the facture is inappropriate, then teaches 窍 said, and keeps the medicine bottle gourd to let the shop owner blend flavors, the shop owner for feels grateful Sun Simiao, high hangs especially the medicine bottle gourd the entrance?Quot;Mixed cake "also renamed" bald head ".
9th, the meat adds the steamed bread
In Xi'an, Lao Fan has been the sacrificial juice meat synonym nearly. The sacrificial juice meat origins from the Warring States, at that time called "cold meat", spreads, the evolution after the generation, then becomes Qin of Weila the today the juice meat. Fan Jila the juice meat had the nearly hundred years history, creates by a surname fence peddler. Because it fine chooses the material, to blend flavors entire, the fire merit to, also passes through the long time to simmer the system ruddily, the color, soft rotten is fragrant and mellow, for a long time stores invariablely. The food had the "fat to eat not the greasy mouth, the lean meat has not had the dregs full mouth oil, did not need the tooth to nip the meat from to be rotten, after the food Yu Xiangjiu did not disperse praise of the". In recent years, in manufacture craft strict execution working instruction, has enlarged the lean meat proportion and fragrant, causes it to be richer fragrant, deeply eating welcome. Is evaluated many times the provinces and cities superior snack. In 1989 uniquely won the praise by its flavor, had the honor to receive Ministry of Commerce quality product "Jin Dingjiang". With Bai Jimo which just drew a charge clamps is eating, then steamed bread fragrant 肉酥, 回味无穷.
10th, stuffed dumpling feast
In Xi'an's characteristic snack,Most calls previous one certainly not is "stuffed dumpling feast" acquiring fame,It mainly is the feast guest banquet which is composed by this kind of differ in thousands of ways stuffed dumpling, Therefore calls it "Xi'an stuffed dumpling feast".What especially the Chinese and foreign passenger praises, on hundred kind of stuffed dumplings, match by the different stuffing, pinches the different shape, exquisitely carved, either steams or boils, delicious is attractive, each section all has a refined name and the fable, really is lets the human be dazzled, is full of praise. "Xi'an stuffed dumpling feast" high divides into "hundred flowers feast", "peony feast", "Longfeng feast", "palace feast", "eight treasures feast" and so on 5, center, the low scale, by 180 kind of colors modelling, the fragrance all good stuffed dumpling separately is composed, it may be said a "stuffed dumpling standard, hundred stuffed dumplings hundred tastes".