格鲁吉亚住一个月:巨难的英文, 翻译, 高手进

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/07 20:49:52
古时君主视秘书为‘股肱’之臣。在现代社会中,秘书也被形象地称为领导的左膀右臂, 是领导人的智囊和助手。秘书素质的强弱和职业能力的高低直接影响着社会组织的工作质量与效率,甚至在一定程度上关系到党和国家方针政策的正确贯彻于各项事业的兴衰成败。因此, 就要求秘书人员不仅具备较高的专业素质、政治理论水平、优良的思想品德, 使领导开展工作得心得应手的同时,还必须具备和培养良好的职业意识和气质,达到并完成优化秘书使命的目标。


In ancient times, secretaries are regarded as the "Gugong" which means assisting official in their ages. In modern time, secretaries acting as the think-tank and assistants are also vividly called right-hand men by their superiors.
The professional quality and ability directly infuence the efficiency of organizations in the society, and ,to a further degree, associate with the proper administration of government policies and success in various social causes. Therefore, professional competence political awareness, virtue are all indispensable for a qualified secretary. Assisting superiors working with high proficiency, they must at the same time perform their bearing and professional awareness to 当我翻译当这里时,已经忍无可忍了!





The The The ancient times monarch treats secretary as' a 肱 ' its minister.The In modern society, the secretary also drive a left better arm of 膀 that is called the leadership, is the bag of wisdom and the assistant that leader.Strong or weak and the occupation ability of secretary's character of high and low affect the work quantity and efficiencies of the society organization directly, even relate to the exactitude of the party and national policy policy to carry through to some extent in the rise and fall success or failure of various businesses.Therefore, will beg secretary's personnel to not only have the higher professional character, political theories level, good thought moral qualities, make the leadership open the exhibition work get insight should hand at the same time, but also must have and develop the good occupation consciousness friendly quality, attain and complete excellent turn the target of secretary's mission.
