鹿岛 本子 邪恶漫画网:string.h头文件

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 00:11:33
string.h头文件是含有什么东西的头文件 经常要用到这个头文件 也不知道为什么用他 还有谁能给我一些同文件的资料 兄弟在这先谢了



String Manipulation
These routines operate on null-terminated single-byte character, wide-character, and multibyte-character strings. Use the buffer-manipulation routines, described in Buffer Manipulation, to work with character arrays that do not end with a null character.

String-Manipulation Routines

Routine Use
_mbscoll, _mbsicoll, _mbsncoll, _mbsnicoll Compare two multibyte-character strings using multibyte code page information (_mbsicoll and _mbsnicoll are case-insensitive)
_mbsdec, _strdec, _wcsdec Move string pointer back one character
_mbsinc, _strinc, _wcsinc Advance string pointer by one character
_mbslen Get number of multibyte characters in multibyte-character string; dependent upon OEM code page
_mbsnbcat Append, at most, first n bytes of one multibyte-character string to another
_mbsnbcmp Compare first n bytes of two multibyte-character strings
_mbsnbcnt Return number of multibyte-character bytes within supplied character count
_mbsnbcpy Copy n bytes of string
_mbsnbicmp Compare n bytes of two multibyte-character strings, ignoring case
_mbsnbset Set first n bytes of multibyte-character string to specified character
_mbsnccnt Return number of multibyte characters within supplied byte count
_mbsnextc, _strnextc, _wcsnextc Find next character in string
_mbsninc. _strninc, _wcsninc Advance string pointer by n characters
_mbsspnp, _strspnp, _wcsspnp Return pointer to first character in given string that is not in another given string
_mbstrlen Get number of multibyte characters in multibyte-character string; locale-dependent
sprintf, _stprintf Write formatted data to a string
strcat, wcscat, _mbscat Append one string to another
strchr, wcschr, _mbschr Find first occurrence of specified character in string
strcmp, wcscmp, _mbscmp Compare two strings
strcoll, wcscoll, _stricoll, _wcsicoll, _strncoll, _wcsncoll, _strnicoll, _wcsnicoll Compare two strings using current locale code page information (_stricoll, _wcsicoll, _strnicoll, and _wcsnicoll are case-insensitive)
strcpy, wcscpy, _mbscpy Copy one string to another
strcspn, wcscspn, _mbscspn, Find first occurrence of character from specified character set in string
_strdup, _wcsdup, _mbsdup Duplicate string
strerror Map error number to message string
_strerror Map user-defined error message to string
strftime, wcsftime Format date-and-time string
_stricmp, _wcsicmp, _mbsicmp Compare two strings without regard to case
strlen, wcslen, _mbslen, _mbstrlen Find length of string
_strlwr, _wcslwr, _mbslwr Convert string to lowercase
strncat, wcsncat, _mbsncat Append characters of string
strncmp, wcsncmp, _mbsncmp Compare characters of two strings
strncpy, wcsncpy, _mbsncpy Copy characters of one string to another
_strnicmp, _wcsnicmp, _mbsnicmp Compare characters of two strings without regard to case
_strnset, _wcsnset, _mbsnset Set first n characters of string to specified character
strpbrk, wcspbrk, _mbspbrk Find first occurrence of character from one string in another string
strrchr, wcsrchr,_mbsrchr Find last occurrence of given character in string
_strrev, _wcsrev,_mbsrev Reverse string
_strset, _wcsset, _mbsset Set all characters of string to specified character
strspn, wcsspn, _mbsspn Find first substring from one string in another string
strstr, wcsstr, _mbsstr Find first occurrence of specified string in another string
strtok, wcstok, _mbstok Find next token in string
_strupr, _wcsupr, _mbsupr Convert string to uppercase
strxfrm, wcsxfrm Transform string into collated form based on locale-specific information
vsprintf, _vstprint Write formatted output using a pointer to a list of arguments