
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/17 13:12:57

another (三者以上)
One girl is watching TV,the other is doing homework,and another is playing soccer.
other (其他的)
What other animals do you like?
但强调是二者中的另一个the other
This one is big,but the other is small.
others (其他的,为复数, 后不加人/物)
The pencil is red,and others are blue.

- another是“另一个”的意思,是泛指,不特定是那个,例如:
one boy is reading and another is watching TV.

- other是其他的,但强调是二者中的另一个the other

- others是其他的(人/物),

another 另外一个
other 其他的
others 其他的(复数) 剩余的

another;the other;others与the others:1、another;adj.pron.意思是"又一,别的",一般指三者以上人或事物中的另一个。如:I do not like this pen.Show me another(one).我不喜欢这只笔,另给我拿一只。To say is one thing,to do is another.说是一回事,做是另一回事。There is another seat I can sit over there.还有一个位子。我可以坐在那里。2、the other=the second of the two ,意指:"另一个"。指两者中的"另一个",如:There is some fish on one plate.There is some bread on the other.一只盘子里有些鱼,另一只盘子里有些面包。The other后面可接名词单数,指"两者中另一…"如:Put it in the other hand.把它放在你另一只手里。Give me the other one.把另一个给我。The other 后也可接复数名词,指"两部分中另一部分(些)…"如:Where are the other comrades?其余的同志在哪里?3、others为pron.指其他的人或其他的事物。在数量上一般是不确定的数。如:Show me some others,please.请另外给我拿些看看。Some birds will fly away to the south when the weather tutns cold.Other birds(=others)and all animals stay with you.当天气变冷时一部分鸟往南方,其余的鸟及所有的动物留下来不走。4、the others是pron.指"两部分中的另一些",在数量上一般是确定的数。如:There are fifty three students in my class.Thirty of them are boys.The others are girls.我班有53个学生,其中男生30个,其余为女生。 5、其他短语one after another=one after the other=one by one=in turn.依次,一个接一个地。Anotherfewminutes=a few more minutes又有几分钟。The other day=a few days ago几天前。

another,是我们一起,other是一起 others是OTHER的地三人称单是形式