
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 00:05:06
19、Learn one good joke
Make people laugh at you.
Learn at least one good joke.
We like the one about Dopey and the penguins.
But there’s a whole host of them on www.hahaheehee.com
Or go and see some really good stand up, or buy a good joke book. Nick the material and bask in the glory of being a hitherto undiscovered comic genius. A good laugh is good for you to.
Laughing tones your stomach, lowers your blood pressure, and makes you healthier. It's scientifically proven.
Even the concentration of salivary immunoglobulin A is raised by laughing and helps guards our respiratory tract from infectious organisms.
But that in itself isn't very funny.
Unlike the story about the grandfather who always said, "Don't watch your money; watch your health." So one day while I was watching my health, someone stole my money. It was my grandfather.
20、Find out how your money is invested
Unless you check that your pension is ethically funded, the chances are that You are supporting the arms industry, and companies with poor human and environmental records.
You can find out more by checking out ethical pension funds at www.eiris.co.uk Now, this is a complicated area, and even if you’re just thinking about your pension, you deserve some kind of medal.
So, to make it simple – just ask your IFA (independent financial advisor) or pension provider one question:
“Can you ensure that my investments don’t harm the planet or hurt my fellow man?”
If more of us did that, IFAs and their like would soon take notice. But don’t get caught up in a longer conversation, unless you’re desperate for company.
As Woody Allen once said, anybody who wants to know the definition of eternity should try spending an evening talking to a life insurance salesman.

19、学习的一个很好笑你让人笑话. 至少有一个良好的学习笑话. 像我们对dopey和Penguins. 但也有一大堆www.hahaheehee.com或去看看他们是否真的好起来一些,好开玩笑或购买书籍. Nick物质享受的荣耀,迄今未发现有喜剧天才. 好,你笑好. 你笑口胃,你降低血压,使你更健康. 它 ' 中国科学证明. 即使集中唾液腺推荐的笑了,有利于提高我国卫兵机体呼吸道传染病. 但这本身幸福 ' t很有趣. 不像他祖父的故事,总是说: " 李善 ' t看你的钱;
看你的健康. " 有一天,当我看着我的健康,有人偷走了我的钱. 这是我的祖父. 20、看看你的钱是投资,除非你检查你的职业年金资金的机会,是你们的支持军火工业,并与公司人力资源和环境不良记录. 你可以找到更多的检测,在伦理www.eiris.co.uk现在养老基金,这是一个复杂的地区,即使只是想进你的退休金,你一定得奖牌. 所以,简单来说,就是你问IFA(独立财务顾问)、养老提供一个问题:"你能保证我的星球的投资很大伤害或伤害我国同胞?
"如果有更多的人做,很快就会像老和他们打招呼. 但也不陷入较长的谈话,但毕竟对公司绝望. 为缓和艾伦曾说,任何人要知道永恒的定义应该花费一个晚上的谈话寿险业务员.
