
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/09/21 15:55:36
1 这种亲属网的存在给多数中国人带来一些安全感,而美国人对此却往往大惑不解,用他们的观点看,如此庞大和紧密的网络易使人失去了个人自由。
2 然而在美国,人们并不吧亲素关系看的很重,个人也并不对亲属负有许多直接的义务。

1 this kind of relative net existence brings some security senses for the most Chinese, but the American actually often is regarding this puzzled, looked with theirs viewpoint, so huge and close network Yi Shiren has lost the individual freedom. 2 however in US, the people certainly 亲素 relations does not look is very heavy, individual also certainly does not have many direct duties to the relative