
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 02:39:06
迪拜 - 背景资料

说来难以相信,崛起於灰尘之中的现代化城邦迪拜只有20多年历史。 在这之前的1000年,它只是作为一个沙漠贝多因人、出海渔人及商人在小河口进行交易的交汇点。与水邻近,加上有著贸易港的潜力,迪拜吸引著越来越多的移民。20世纪60年代,这里发现石油,70年代,该酋长国加盟阿拉伯联合酋长国。经过多年的努力,迪拜根本上已成为一个世界性的繁华的贸易城邦。




Say that come hard believe, grow in the dust of modern city the nation Dubai only have the more than 20 calendars history. 1000 years that are before this, it just was a shell of desert much because of the person, went out to sea the fisherman and businessmans to carried on to trade in the brook of hand over and remit point.With the water close by, plus to have the trade potential of the harbor, the Dubai draws on more and more emigrants.60's in 20 centuries, discover the petroleum,70's here, the Tribal chief's country becomes number of the consociation Tribal chief country of Arabia.Through the effort of many years, the Dubai has become a world and prosperous trade city nation basically.

Hot, hot, still hot, be placed in subtropics the rainfall of whole year of Dubai that weather rain is few( every year 130 millimeters of), but kept the very high degree of humidity.The air temperature of July everyday of summer of Dubai is up to 40 degrees equally, but the degree of humidity contain 100%!Therefore, visit good time of the Dubai anything but in summer, go to March November are Dubais the most cool the most pleasing day in a year.The temperature is 25 degrees equally January, although little rain, occasionally also will touch previous time.

The consociation in Arabia Tribal chief country separates to carry on census a times 10 years each time, the last time is in 1995.Population of Dubai that time is 680,000, the population growth rate of every year about is 3.5%.The economic dependence trade of the Dubai, so economic crisis of petroleum take place recently as to it's affect very tiny.The population of Dubai now estimate over 782,000.Though the population is complicated, there is Arab, European and person of Asia, the social feature opposite ones of the Dubai, all believe in the Islamism tradition.

Different from most Arabia nations are similar, Dubai is a Moslem nation, is, it still melted to go into other faith, religions and life style.The alcohol beverage all has the supply in the whole citieses, women can with free activity, can dress up freely in normal restrict.The visitor saves to tolerate with each other.The coarse behavior was see as shameful.Period in the Ramadan( the Islamism believe in sacred of month, practice to forbid food to make strictly), the manifestation respect, you must overcome and do not take a meal, drink the wine and smoke in the public place.
