
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/01 22:43:38
Initiated under the Social Security Act of 1935, social security is perhaps the best-known form of public insurance. The official title of the program is Old-age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance. Under this program, more than 90 percent of U.S. working population and their dependents are eligible for retirement benefits, life insurance, health insurance, and disaility income insurance.
Social security is financed through a tax taken out employees’ paychecks; employers pay an equal and matching amount of tax to the federal government to help cover benefits.

社会保障法案始于1935年,社会保障就是最有名的公共保险方式. 该计划的正式名称是养老保险、伤亡保险、残疾及健康保险等. 根据这一计划,美国90%以上的就业人口及其家属取得退休金、人寿保险、健康保险、残疾保险收入. 社会保障资金是通过税收向职工购买入涨.


在社会的安全行为之下开始 1935,社会的安全也许是流传久远形式的公众保险。 计画的官方名称是老年,生还者,无力和健康保险。 在这一个计画之下, 超过 90% 的美国操作人口和他们的受扶养者对退休利益,人寿保险,健康保险和 disaility 收入保险是有资格的。