
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/07 15:50:59
刚刚系统慢的死人,进不了XP,我准备把现在用的XP备一下,再用以前的恢复,结果备的时候就出现了以下的这段英文."EN conuntered an ntfs volume with a logfile that has been finished (536)" ok 我就选了OK, 继续备,就又出现了下面一段。

ntfs problem detected (1969)

Ghost has detected problems with an NTFS,Volume we recommend that you quit Ghost and coorrect the problem by rebooting NT and running CHKDSK.All ternately ,you may also continue normally
quit continue 我选择了"continue",结果备的份在XP下面打不开也删不除.怎么回事情.怎么可以解决好.谢谢。
