
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 00:41:53

10 domestic news 2005

First, the Chinese Communist Party in the Party

For maintaining the advanced nature of Party members

Yuk activities

From January onwards, the central committee of the whole party to maintain the educational activities undertaken by the time a year and a half, three million more than 6,800 members of a national focus on education. This activity is a major policy decision made by the CPC Central Committee, is to support the use of "three represents" an important step to arm the whole party, is the achievement of the grand goal of building a well-to-do society's important that is pushing forward the new great project of party building a basic project.

Second, Hu Jintao new shape

Trend of development of cross-strait relations 4:00


March 4, the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and State President Hu Jintao put forward the development of cross-strait relations under the new situation of the four points, namely : never waver in upholding the one China principle, the efforts to strive for peaceful reunification will never give up, the people on Taiwan policy will never change, and oppose "Taiwan independence" separatist activities we will never compromise. March 14, the Third Session of the Tenth National People's Congress passed the anti-secession law men. April to July, the Kuomintang, the People First Party, the New Party delegation to visit mainland China in succession. Hu Jintao, general secretary, respectively, with President Lien Chan, James Soong Chairman, the Chairman Yu Muming promote the improvement and development of cross-strait relations major, broad and in-depth exchange of views and reached broad consensus achieved important results.

3, solemnly commemorate the Chinese people

World Anti-Fascist War of Resistance Against Japan cum

For the 60th anniversary of victory

September 3, the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against cum the world's anti-fascist war victory 60 anniversary of the grand ceremony held in Beijing. Held a variety of activities throughout mark the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people cum 60th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war.

4, the "10th Five-Year Plan" Main

Indicators successfully, the CPC Central Committee put

Develop "Shiyiwu" planning proposals

2005 is the "10th Five-Year Plan" period last year, the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" submitted by the major indicators of economic and social development successfully. October 11, the 16th CPC Central Committee examined and approved the "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on the Formulation of the 10 recommendations of a five-year plan" to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "three represents" as the guide, comprehensively implement the scientific development concept focused on comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, My next five years made economic and social development goals, guidelines and major strategic plan, is a guide to national economic and social development in the next five years programmatic document.

5, the Qinghai-Tibet railway line shop Link

Mid-October, the world's highest and longest lines, across permafrost mileage longest plateau railway Ji--- along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Shop Link.

6, Shenzhou 6 manned space flight a success

October 12 to October 17, Shenzhou 6 manned space flight a success. My only two years from the Shenzhou 5 achieve "one day" to the Shenzhou space flight 6th "more days" great leaps of space flight, marking China's manned space technology development achieved another landmark major victory.

7, a major water Songhua River


November 13, oil Jilin Petrochemical Corporation double benzene plant explosion, caused massive Benlei pollutants into water bodies Songhua River, a major water pollution incidents. Songhua River to the coast this incident particularly people living and medium-sized cities have a serious impact on economic development. State Administration of Environmental Protection Director Xie Zhenhua resign.

8, our people infected with avian flu

Miao entered clinical research

November 22, the National Food Drugs Administration approved using the avian flu vaccine --- "pandemic influenza vaccine" for clinical research indicates that our drug research and development in the coming influenza pandemic and make new progress.

9, the first national economic census

Investigation to a successful conclusion, in 2004 China

15.9878 trillion yuan in total GDP

During the first two years of national economic census to a successful conclusion, the main data from the census has been issued on December 6. Take advantage of this economic census information initial forecast, our total GDP to 15.9878 trillion yuan in 2004, the economic aggregate ranked sixth in the world.

10, our major tax

Reform, the NPC Standing Committee decision

Abolition of agricultural tax regulations

December 29, the 19th session of the 10th NPC Standing Committee decided to vote since January 1, 2006 onwards Abolition of the "PRC agricultural tax regulations."

2005 major international news events

The 10 news chronological order are :

First, the world crude oil prices to a record high.

Second, the global epidemic of avian flu seriously.

Third, the reform of the United Nations found difficult.

4, the world celebrates the 60th anniversary of the victory of anti-fascist war.

5, France, the Netherlands rejected the EU constitutional treaty.

6, the international anti-terrorism situation is still grim.

7, korean nuclear issue Mutsukata progress in the talks.

8, a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

9, the frequent natural disasters in the world.

10, the French serious disturbances.

10 domestic news 2005

First, the Chinese Communist Party in the Party

For maintaining the advanced nature of Party members

Yuk activities

From January onwards, the central committee of the whole party to maintain the educational activities undertaken by the time a year and a half, three million more than 6,800 members of a national focus on education. This activity is a major policy decision made by the CPC Central Committee, is to support the use of "three represents" an important step to arm the whole party, is the achievement of the grand goal of building a well-to-do society's important that is pushing forward the new great project of party building a basic project.

Second, Hu Jintao new shape

Trend of development of cross-strait relations 4:00


March 4, the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and State President Hu Jintao put forward the development of cross-strait relations under the new situation of the four points, namely : never waver in upholding the one China principle, the efforts to strive for peaceful reunification will never give up, the people on Taiwan policy will never change, and oppose "Taiwan independence" separatist activities we will never compromise. March 14, the Third Session of the Tenth National People's Congress passed the anti-secession law men. April to July, the Kuomintang, the People First Party, the New Party delegation to visit mainland China in succession. Hu Jintao, general secretary, respectively, with President Lien Chan, James Soong Chairman, the Chairman Yu Muming promote the improvement and development of cross-strait relations major, broad and in-depth exchange of views and reached broad consensus achieved important results.

3, solemnly commemorate the Chinese people

World Anti-Fascist War of Resistance Against Japan cum

For the 60th anniversary of victory

September 3, the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against cum the world's anti-fascist war victory 60 anniversary of the grand ceremony held in Beijing. Held a variety of activities throughout mark the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people cum 60th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war.

4, the "10th Five-Year Plan" Main

Indicators successfully, the CPC Central Committee put

Develop "Shiyiwu" planning proposals

2005 is the "10th Five-Year Plan" period last year, the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" submitted by the major indicators of economic and social development successfully. October 11, the 16th CPC Central Committee examined and approved the "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on the Formulation of the 10 recommendations of a five-year plan" to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "three represents" as the guide, comprehensively implement the scientific development concept focused on comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, My next five years made economic and social development goals, guidelines and major strategic plan, is a guide to national economic and social development in the next five years programmatic document.

5, the Qinghai-Tibet railway line shop Link

Mid-October, the world's highest and longest lines, across permafrost mileage longest plateau railway Ji--- along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Shop Link.

6, Shenzhou 6 manned space flight a success

October 12 to October 17, Shenzhou 6 manned space flight a success. My only two years from the Shenzhou 5 achieve "one day" to the Shenzhou space flight 6th "more days" great leaps of space flight, marking China's manned space technology development achieved another landmark major victory.

7, a major water Songhua River


November 13, oil Jilin Petrochemical Corporation double benzene plant explosion, caused massive Benlei pollutants into water bodies Songhua River, a major water pollution incidents. Songhua River to the coast this incident particularly people living and medium-sized cities have a serious impact on economic development. State Administration of Environmental Protection Director Xie Zhenhua resign.

8, our people infected with avian flu

Miao entered clinical research

November 22, the National Food Drugs Administration approved using the avian flu vaccine --- "pandemic influenza vaccine" for clinical research indicates that our drug research and development in the coming influenza pandemic and make new progress.

9, the first national economic census

Investigation to a successful conclusion, in 2004 China

15.9878 trillion yuan in total GDP

During the first two years of national economic census to a successful conclusion, the main data from the census has been issued on December 6. Take advantage of this economic census information initial forecast, our total GDP to 15.9878 trillion yuan in 2004, the economic aggregate ranked sixth in the world.

10, our major tax

Reform, the NPC Standing Committee decision

Abolition of agricultural tax regulations

December 29, the 19th session of the 10th NPC Standing Committee decided to vote since January 1, 2006 onwards Abolition of the "PRC agricultural tax regulations."

2005 major international news events

The 10 news chronological order are :

First, the world crude oil prices to a record high.

Second, the global epidemic of avian flu seriously.

Third, the reform of the United Nations found difficult.

4, the world celebrates the 60th anniversary of the victory of anti-fascist war.

5, France, the Netherlands rejected the EU constitutional treaty.

6, the international anti-terrorism situation is still grim.

7, korean nuclear issue Mutsukata progress in the talks.

8, a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

9, the frequent natural disasters in the world.

10, the French serious disturbances.