
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/03 15:04:42


"Jesus Christ, quit hammerin and get over here. Bedroll's big enough," said Jack in an irritable sleep-clogged voice. It was big enough, warm enough, and in a little while they deepened their intimacy considerably. Ennis ran full-throttle on all roads whether fence mending or money spending, and he wanted none of it when Jack seized his left hand and brought it to his erect cock. Ennis jerked his hand away as though he'd touched fire, got to his knees, unbuckled his belt, shoved his pants down, hauled Jack onto all fours and, with the help of the clear slick and a little spit, entered him, nothing he'd done before but no instruction manual needed. They went at it in silence except for a few sharp intakes of breath and Jack's choked "gun's goin off," then out, down, and asleep.

“天啊,不要哆嗦了,过来,被窝大着呢。”杰克睡意朦胧,不耐烦地说到。被窝很大,也很温暖,不一会儿他们便越过雷池,变得非常亲密了。埃尼斯本来还胡思乱想着修栅栏和钱的事儿,当杰克抓住他的左手移到自己 勃 起的 阴 茎上时,他的大脑顿时一片空白。他像被火烫了似的把手抽了回来,跪起身,解开皮带,拉下裤子,把杰克仰面翻过来,在透明的液体和一点点唾液的帮助下,闯了进去,他从来没这么做过,不过这也并不需要什么说明书。他们一声不吭地进行着,间或发出几声急促的喘息。杰克紧绷的“枪”发射了,然后埃尼斯退出来,躺下,坠入梦乡。



