刺客魔传txt微盘:英语高手进来翻译一下 在线等,翻译出来本人再加分,急,到明天问题结束。

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/02 17:11:05
● 缺少与中方工程师在工作上的互通.
● 缺少对自己所负责的业务的日常管理.
● 缺少对公司的业务操作方式的认识.(如:工作方式,表达方式等)
● 加强与中方员工在技术上,业务上的沟通.
● 在局方和我方工程师之间,起到穿针引线的作用,以便将局方的需求做得更好更完善.
● 支持部门下达的各项任务和工作规程,及时反馈问题和本地信息。
● 关注邮件.由于企业在海外的业务发展越来越迅猛,主要业务和上下级的沟通方式以内部邮件为主,所以在紧张而忙碌的工作中, 收发邮件是必不可少的工作.
● 增加对公司企业文化的了解.是一家中国大型企业,目前正在走员工本地化的道路,企业的管理,主要以中外和二为一方式,正在趋近国际化管理,本地员
● 再一次接受业务培训;
● 加强沟通,每天要定期打开邮箱,定期打开MSN和IM,定期撰写周报和月报,加强与同时和领导的沟通;
● 尽快融入到目前代表处以中方员工为主的企业文化,起好外籍员工与中方员工的桥梁作用;
● 加强对外籍员工的管理工作,以一个管理干部地标准严格要求自己

The ● is in need of and square engineer in inside is in the mutual communication of last work.
The ● is in need of to the usual management of a business for being responsible for in oneself.
The ● is in need of the cognition to operate the way to the business of the company.( such as: work method, express way etc.)
Diligent direction:( such as increase business level)
The ● enhances with the square employee in inside on the technique, the communication on the business.
● at square in bureau with our a function for, rising acting as go-between, in order to make out the square need in bureau better and more perfect.
The ● support section descends various mission that reach with work rules distance, on time feedback problem with native information.
● concern mail.Because business enterprise is in oversea business develop more and more fastly fiercely, main business with top and bottom the communication method of the class including a mail is lord, so at strain but busy work, receiving and dispatch the mail is the work of the essential to have.
● increment to the understanding of the company corporate culture.Is a large business enterprise in country in in home, now walk employee native the road that turn, the management of the business enterprise, main with Chinese and Foreign with two for a way, tend the near internationalization management, native member
The work shoulds be positive to adapt to the Chinese business enterprise, is a way that together Chinese employee work together particularly, only have like this the oneself then can melt into to whole team, bringing the better performance for the company.
Improvement project:( if training plan)
The ● accepts the business training again;
The ● enhances the communication, wanting to periodically open the mailbox everyday, periodically openning the MSN with the IM, periodically compose the weekly paper with the monthly bulletin, enhance with at the same time with the communication that leads;
The ● melts in to arrive as soon as possible current the representative imposes square employee in inside as the main corporate culture, rising very foreign employee and the bridge function of the square employee in inside;
The ● enhances to the management work of the foreign employee, with a manages the strict request in a standard in staff the oneself
