
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 18:31:20
you know i can not put words in your mouth so to speak, when you write the letter start of my introducing yourself and where you are from, and explain your interest in whatever form your questions are, such as ..what is his view on world peace for the future, global warming, and what impact industry plays in the the cleanup of industrial pollution and the cleanup up of air and water. douse he feel other countries are doing enough to contribute to the cleanup of industrial waste. and what is the role of young people in all this , as they are the future and will inherit the past mistakes of an older generation. blah blah blah................................
mabi this would be a good time to test this professor by asking his views. LOL
make the letter friendly but not to friendly, be frank and honest in your questions, and last but not least, thank him for taking the time to read your letter...........
imagine that this is an exam paper of great importance, so you will write it many times till you feel it is just right. in your eyes, dont worry how it looks to to anyone else, you have a feel for these things so let your gut instinct guide you, in your final draft email me a copy and i will look at it through the eyes of a westener and tell you what i think. ok dont sweat it be cool , after all you are are you not.


you know i can not put words in your mouth so to speak, when you write the letter start of my introducing yourself and whereyou are from, and explain your interest in whatever form your questions are, such as ..what is his view on world peace forthe future, global warming, and what impact industry(indutries) plays in the the cleanup of industrial pollution and the
cleanup up of air and water. douse he feel other countries are doing enough to contribute to the cleanup of industrial waste. and what is the role of young people in all this , as they are the future and will inherit the past mistakes of an older generation. blah blah blah................................

mabi(maybe) this would be a good time to test this professor by asking his views. LOL
make the letter friendly but not to friendly(friend), be frank and honest in your questions, and last but not least, thank him for taking the time to read your letter...........
imagine that this is an exam paper of great importance, so you will write it many times till you feel it is just right. in your eyes, dont worry how it looks to to anyone else, you have a feel for these things so let your gut instinct guide you,in your final draft email me a copy and i will look at it through the eyes of a westener and tell you what i think. ok dont sweat it be cool , after all you are are you not.

你知道,我不能把我的话放到你嘴里替你说,你以自我介绍作为这封信的开头,介绍了你是从哪里来的,又解释了在你的问题里,你对哪些事感兴趣,例如:他(教授)对未来世界和平、全球气候变暖、以及对企业在工业污染,空气和水的污染处理中发挥着什么影响的看法是什么。douse 他觉得其它国家采取了足够的措施来处理工业垃圾,还有年轻人在这些事中充当的是什么角色,因为他们是世界的未来,会继承上一代人的错误。等等等等......






Unlike many of noticable enviroment pollutions such as the dark smoke floating in the atmosphere and the drifting waste in rivers, Few people pay attention to the soil under their feet, which is suffering from a severe pollution. Some expert state, the most obvious pollution is not always the worst one. The physical nature of soil inherently decides its fragiality against pollution. Besides, soil pollution is a process of accumulation, which is usually not easily perceived by people. Although it has a much higher capacity to contain pollutant in comparison with atmosphere and water, to get rid of them once it's polluted is very difficult. In last century, the United States started a super funding campaign with an investment of more than 20 billion Us dollar to clean the underground water. After it has been carred out for a period, scienteists found, the processed underground water did not reach the former expected standard. The main reason lay in the heave metal pollutants in the soil, which polluted the processed underground water polluted again. Since then, soil pollution has been introduced as a key topic of enviromental protection.


咿,..?是我吗?我今天关闭了个翻译的,因为我自己翻通了,好不容易哇.....然后就关了- -
