
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/08 06:32:19



  首先你得拥有《Wipeout Pure》这款游戏,一台PSP,还要有无线上网设备

  1. Go to the Main Menu of your PSP.(进入PSP的主菜单)
  2. Go to Settings.(进入系统设置)
  3. Scroll down to Network Settings and Press the X button.(进入“ Network Settings”网络设置模式)
  4. Select Infrastructure Mode.(选择“Infrastructure Mode”)
  5. Select New Connection.(选择“New Connection”)
  6. Name the connection so that you know it is for web browsing. (ex. WebConnect)That way you can use another connection for the rest of your online games.(为你的连接命名)
  7. Push the Right Direction Key to go to the next menu.(按右键进入下一级菜单)
  8. Select the Scan option and let it pick up your WLAN settings.(选择“Scan”命令然检测网络)
  9. Once it picks up a connect, Push the Right Direction Key to go to the next menu.(当搜索到一个无线连接的时候按右键进入下一级菜单)
  10. Select Custom for the Address Settings.(选择“Custom”以便进入IP地址设置)
  11. Push the Right Direction Key to go to the next menu.(按右键进入下一级菜单)
  12. Leave IP Address Setting on Automatic.(设置IP地址为自动)
  13. Push the Right Direction Key to go to the next menu.(按右键进入下一级菜单)
  14. Select Manual for your DNS Setting.(选择“Manual”)
  15. Push the Right Direction Key to go to the next menu.(按右键进入下一级菜单)
  16. Enter in as your Primary DNS and just leave the Secondary DNSblank.(输入67.171.70.72作为你的主DNS地址,副DNS地址留空,不过,由于这是美国地区玩家总结的设置国内玩家是否能用还有待检测)
  17. Push the Right Direction Key to go to the next menu.(又是按右键进入下一级菜单)
  18. Select "Do Not Use" for your Proxy Server settings.(选择“Do Not Use”作为你的代理服务器设置)
  19. Push the Right Direction Key to go to the next menu.(还是按右键)
  20. Push the Right Direction Key to go to the next menu.(继续右键)
  21. Push the X button to save your settings.(按X键存储你的设置)
  22. Do a quick test of the connection to make sure it's working correctly.(快速测试一下看看是否能正确连网)
  23. Launch Wipeout Pure and go to the Download option in the main menu.(运行《Wipeout Pure》,在主菜单进入下载选项“Download”)
  24. Select the name of the new connection you just made (ex. WebConnect), connect, and enjoy browsing the internet on your PSP.(选择你刚才新建的连接,然后你可以上网冲浪了)