innocence mv什么意思:明天口语考试,大家来看看!

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/05 08:45:05
1.By providing examples,convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people ,situations and environments.

2.Describe the most significant or creative presentation that you have had to complete.

3.What motivates you to put forth you greatest effort?

4.Give an example of when you had to work with someone who was difficult to get along with. Why was this person difficult? how did y ou handle that person ?

5.Give me an example of a time you had to persuade other people to take action. Were you successful ?


1。你要举例,例子1。<people>你要说你有很多朋友,因为你性格好,别人都很喜欢你。例子2《enviroment》,举例你的独自的能力,比如独自在外生活 。 例子三(situation):举例你是如何处理生活中的突发事件。比如朋友突然吵架,你能和解。I have lots of friend and I can get alone with others easily because my personality. I used to live alone away from my parents, and I took care of myself very well. When my firends have problems, i will be the person to solve the problems.

2。 他要你举例出你做过的最好的演讲,或者是报告。但是我估计你可能没做过。那么,你就要想个比较好的例子来啦。比如说,你在什么什么课里面做了一个关于什么话题的presentation, 然后老师给了你很高分。注意,这个presentation他们要求是创新,有意义的。我想不出什么,也不知道你的个人,所以麻烦你自己想拉。I did a presentationi on the Chinese revolution in the world. I got highly remarks.

3。是问你,什么让你如此的努力。我不清楚这个是干什么用的面试。你找个原因吧。例子一,我很喜欢这个工作。例子二,我很努力工作是因为我想更出色,更成功。I want to be successful. I'm good enough yet, so I put my effort on my own provement.

4。也就是考验你的人际关系了。你这个是工作面试吧?那么,你就要举例啦,因为你以前工作,或者学习的时候,当然那会有和自己不喜欢的人合作。《没有也要想出一个来》那么,你要说,你是如何处理,为什么你会不喜欢那个人。例子一:那个人不采取的你意见独自行动. 然后你就和他谈话, 让他知道你的想法,然后你们就很好的合作了. I had a horrible partnet once. He doesn't listen to my advise and he think I'm don't know anything. But after I talk to him honestly once, he understood a lot of me.

5.是问你如何说服别人. 也要例子. 比如你自己有个关于这个工作的计划,你当然要说服别人采用你的拉.那你用什么方法呢? 例子一: 坚守自己的观点,和其他人说明自己观点的好处,和其他人关心的不好的地方.然后大家接受了你的观点. I convince others by tell the good point in my plan and points out other plan's negative side.





Good morning! Good afternoon! 你好!
Thank you! Have a good weekend!谢谢,周未愉快!
Here's my admission card.这是我的准考证。
I beg your pardon.请再说一遍。
I'm sorry, I didn't catch what you said.抱歉,我没听清你的话。
Excuse me , would you please…?抱歉,请你……
Let me think about it. 让我考虑一下。
I 'm little nervous.我有些紧张。
I think…我认为……

在话语组织方面,考生应该学会使用适当的联接词,以使语句连贯,表达更清楚。这里略举一些例子供考生参考。表示顺序的连词常用的有first, second, third, then, after, before, next, last, finally 等;表示并列、递进的词有ane, furthermore, also, in addition, moreover, for example, for instance 等;转换话题的连词:although, however, on the contrary, on the contrary, but, in spite of , otherwise, yet 等;用于总结的常用词语,如:as a result, in brief, in a word, finally, so, in short 等。

1.By providing examples,convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people ,situations and environments.

i have been memeber of xxx student association. i did xxx public service during 2000-2005.

2.Describe the most significant or creative presentation that you have had to complete.

for class CSxxx, i use the powerpoint to demonstrate xxxx in a interactive way to help my audience understand my point.

3.What motivates you to put forth you greatest effort?

money is always the best motivation. self achivment is also a good motivation.

4.Give an example of when you had to work with someone who was difficult to get along with. Why was this person difficult? how did y ou handle that person ?

professor xxx is difficult to find in his office because he is always booked up for other project. i have use e-mail to communicated with him during my time at school. also, make early appoinment to avoid conflict with his busy schedule.

5.Give me an example of a time you had to persuade other people to take action. Were you success?

i had a roomate who always bring girls back and make noise in the mid-night while i need sleep. so i ask them to turn the noise down for critical period of time, such as final exam time. it was not succeful, so i moved out at the end of the lease.
