
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/08 09:37:39



北极熊为了觅 食而长途跋淑,路程长达70千米。它们每天都找寻食物。当冬天海水结冰,浮冰面积扩大时它们会向南迁徙,夏天再回到北边。初冬时分,雌熊便不再四处游荡,它会在雪地上挖一个洞,在洞里产下2-3只熊仔。

熊妈妈乳 汁中脂肪含量很高,靠着这么丰富的营养,熊仔会迅速长大,并能保持体温。在3月或4月时,它们便从积雪的家中出来,此后再跟母亲一起呆上两年。



Polar Bear
Polar Bear is a large white bear, Ursus maritimus, formerly Thalarctos maritimus, of the coasts of arctic North America. Polar bears usually live on drifting pack ice, but sometimes wander long distances inland. They are powerful swimmers and may cross 20 to 30 mi (30-50 km) of water at a time.

The polar bear's body is long and streamlined, with a long neck and small head. Adult males are 7 to 91/2 ft (210-90 cm) long, stand 4 to 41/2 ft (122-37 cm) at the shoulder, and weigh 700 to 1,600 lbs (320-30 kg). Females are somewhat smaller. The extremely dense fur appears yellowish white but is in fact unpigmented. Unlike other bears, polar bears have hairy soles, which help them grip the ice. They may attain a running speed of 25 mi (40 km) per hr on ice.

Polar bears are omnivorous, but feed chiefly on marine animals such as seals and young walruses. Quite fearless, they will stalk any animal, including humans. They take advantage of carcasses left by hunters, and in summer eat vegetation on the shore. If food is scarce, their physiology can slow to a state known as walking hibernation.

Except for a brief courtship in summer, polar bears are solitary. Males and nonpregnant females are thought to wander all winter. A pregnant female makes a winter den in the snow; two tiny, helpless cubs are born in January and nursed in the den until March. They usually remain with the mother for about a year and a half, while learning to hunt.

Polar bears have been extensively hunted, especially by Eskimos, for fur, flesh, and ivory, and they have declined greatly in numbers. Although extremely dangerous to humans, they do well in captivity. They are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Carnivora, family Ursidae.

