
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 00:26:24
比如get on


get off, take off ,=====多的是

the cat is in box
the sth. is/are on/in/under sth.

give in
get off
go on
set off
on the tree
put off



1. in the front 在前面 2. in the front row在前排

3. in the back row 在后排 4. in the third row 在第三排

5. in front of …在……前面(范围之外)

6. in the front of… 在……前部(范围之内)

7. in the middle在中间 8. in the middle of…在……中间

9. in the street 在街上


1. at the font of…在……所在范围的前一部位

2. at the back of… 在……所在范围的后一部位

3. at the foot of…在……脚下

4. at the top of…在……顶部

5. at the end of…在……尽头

6. at the head of…在……前头

7. at the (school) gate 在(校)门口

8. at the station 在车站

9. at No. 2 Changan Road 在长安路2号

10. at my uncle’s 在我叔叔家 11. at home 在家

12. at the doctor’s 在医务室/在诊所


1. on the right / left 在右(左)边

2. on one’s right / left 在某人的右(左)边

3. on the desk / table 在课桌/桌上

4. on the right–hand / left–hand side 在右/左手边

5. on the blackboard 在黑板上

6. on / in the wall 在墙上/里

7. on the paper 在纸上


1. next to 靠近/贴近 2. beside the desk 在课桌旁

3. behind the door 在门后 4. under the bed 在床下

5. near the window 靠近窗户 6. outside the gate 在门外

7. between A and B 在A和B之间 8. among the hills 在山中





(a) v+with

begin, mix, agree, deal, fight, meet, play, quarrel, do, fool, reason, correspond, comply, settle,

(b) v + sth (sb) + with + sth (sb)

compare, provide, supply, feed, replace, combine, equip, furnish,


angry, strict, pleased, busy, covered, satisfied, filled, wrong, wild, crowded, connected, popular, covered, patient, annoyed, acquainted, delighted, confronted, content, friendly, identical, frank, concerned, bored, afflicted, associated, blended, burdened, comparable, consistent, disappointed, displeased, endowed, enraged, exhausted, familiar, gifted, impatient, infested, intimate, irritated, level, moved, occupied, overcome, popular, satisfied, vexed

(3) n+with

acquaintance, alliance, trouble, talk, chat, connection, consultation, conversation, sympathy,

2 AT


aim, point, snatch, wonder, strike, work, look, glance, laugh, run, catch, shoot, stare, glare, thrust, smile, call, fire, tear, knock, winder, arrive, come, gasp,


amused, delighted, angry, good, surprised, astonished, pleased, terrified, clever, alarmed, astonished, clumsy, disgusted, impatient, quick, startled, surprised,


knock, pull, look, glance, smile, game, astonishment, surprise, alarm,



get, lie, turn, draw, believe, share, take, drop, give, call, hand, succeed, bring, result, trade, involve, check, count, cut, indulge, pour, participate, intervene, fill, join, confide, trust, believe, persist, consist,

(b) V+sb(sth)+in

help, spend


rich, interested, active, disappointed, engaged, busy, weak, expert, successful, absorbed, skilled, concerned, experienced, confident, employed, accurate, clothed, diligent, negligent, proficient, prompt, versed,


interest, progress, satisfaction, faith, belief, confidence, response, pride, perseverance, harm, difficulty, pleasure, confidence, delight,



(a) V + from

learn, die, come, suffer, hear, fall, rise, hang, escape, date, depart, result, descend, refrain, abstain, differ, distinguish, derive, expel, conceal, judge

(b) V + sth ( sb) +from + sth ( sb or a place)

borrow, protect, receive, separate, keep, stop, prevent, deter, choose, remove, save, dissuade, excuse, restrain


different, far, tired, made, separate, absent, distinct, hidden, made,


letter, visitor, absence, difference, protection, relief, rescue,

5 OF


(a) V+of

consist, dream, hear, tell, think, know, talk, die, speak

(b) V+sb+of+sth

rob, warn, inform, remind, accuse, cheat, convince, relieve, deprive,

(c) V+sth+of+sb

ask, beg, demand, require,


aware, careful, free, short, sure, certain, worthy, afraid, hopeful, proud, full, tired, made, capable, impatient, considerate, characteristic, guilty, capable, composed, jealous, ashamed, envious, ignorant, apprehensive, bare, cautious, clear, composed, conscious, descriptive, exclusive, forgetful, fond, hard, incapable, informed, innocent, made, mindful, neglectful, observant, possessed, productive, regardless, rid, sensible, sick, susceptible, weary

(3) n+of

quality, number, sample, choice, impression, neglect, attack, care, consideration, pleasure, doubt, way equivalence, possibility, example,

6 ON


(a) v+on

act, lean, live, work, depend, look, wait, turn, switch, pull, have, keep, call, put, push, speak, insist, push, collaborate, count, frown, reckon, speculate, figure, carry,

(b) V+sb(sth)+ON+sb(sth)

congratulate, spend, base, fix


hard, keen, dependent, based, impressed,


book, discussion, lecture, advice, opinion, impression, attack, dependence, judgment, pity, mercy, authority

7 TO


(a) v+to

listen, stick, refer, turn, point, reply, occur, attend, see, lead, happen, come, get, write, hold, agree, belong, adapt, attribute, object, subscribe, adjust, accede, yield, resort, relate, respond, testify, succumb,

(b) v+to+sb

announce, describe, explain, express, mention, report, say, shout, suggest, whisper, speak, talk, nod,

(c) v+sth(sb)+sth(sb)

devote, compare, add, introduce, invite, leave, join, reduce, sentence, carry, take,


equal, opposed, true, familiar, close, near, kind, harmful, polite, rude, similar, useful, married, known, used, good, dedicated, fair, essential, parallel, related, sensible, relevant, possible, indifferent, devoted, comparable, necessary, contrary, suitable, strange, close, alike, opposite, familiar, inferior, superior, proportionate, accessory, accustomed, adapted, addicted, adequate, adjacent, afflicted, akin, alive, amenable, applicable, attentive, awake, blind, common, conductive, congenial, contiguous, contrary, corresponding, deaf, derogatory, disagreeable, displeasing, distasteful, exposed, false, fatal, grateful, hostile, important, indifferent, loyal, moved, obedient, odious, opposite, painful, partial, peculiar, pleasant, precious, preferable, precious, prior, profitable, prone, proper, relative, relevant, sacred, strange, subsequent, susceptible, thankful, troublesome,


key, answer, visitor, end, way, solution, traitor, attention, exception, gratitude, approach




account, beg, hope, send, look, ask, long, pay, wish, wait, leave, fight, plan, prepare, care, stand, search, answer, run, call, bargain, inquire, press, apply, provide, apologize, grieve


ask, blame, forgive, pardon, pay, praise, punish, reward, thank, excuse,


eager, bad, good, famous, fit, suitable, ready, sorry, grateful, useful, late, responsible, proper, crucial, competent, eligible, noted, renowned, appropriate, notorious, convenient, possible, profitable, liable, necessary, anxious, bound, eligible, impatient, liable, sufficient, uncared, unfit, zealous,


plan, need, reason, explanation, ability, affection, excuse, ambition, anxiety, reputation, consideration, necessity, talent, sympathy, cause, pretext, qualification



quarrel, agree, consult, complain, speak, bring, think, set, care, fumble, fuss, leave, move, lie, hear, speculate, inquire,


happy, anxious, nervous, cautious, careful, certain, excited, particular, pleased, concerned, enthusiastic, uneasy, troubled


concern, anxiety, opinion, question,



在日常英语中,象以 make, have, do, take等构成的短语搭配使用的频率很高,下面是笔者总结的这些短语动词的搭配。

1) Make

make steal, laws, friends, research, much progress, great effort, some tea, some noise, contribution, war, peace, model ships, money, love, no condition, confidences, remarks, faces, clothes, profit, some trouble, sense, difference, haste, room, one's way, dinner, fun, preparations, sail,

make an excuse, offer, experiment, observation, impression, answer, advance, attack, attempt, exam, investigation, explanation, arrangement, appointment, application, an error, exchange, invitation, accusation, enquiry, improvement, outline, oath, approach, entry, exception,

make a statement, sketch, complaint, charge, journey, request, beginning, compromise, bargain, comment, copy, criticism, correction, difference, discovery, fortune, haste, survey, jump, sacrifice, demand, study, guess, visit, call, slip, shave, bed, mistake, fire, speech, walk, vote, haste, plan, will, living, recommendation, reduction, decision, promise, reference, poem, sentence, suggestion, habit, demonstration, summary, comparison, preparation, choice, joke, reply, resolution, face, noise, check, record, railway, canal, trip, cake, law, meal, face, guess, contrast, policy, mends, change, bow, confession, move, point, price, sound, stand, word,

2) Have

have breakfast/lunch/supper, tea, sports, labor, patience, deep affection on, power, fun, difficulty, notice,

have a meal, drink, beer, wine, coffee, taste, smoke, discussion, meeting, talk, chat, fight, walk, quarrel, run, ride, debate, break, haircut, swim, shave, wash, try, rest, lesson, class, wish, dream, song, shock, game, dance, stomachache, toothache, headache, backache, cold, cough, pain, fever, holiday, day off, good time, lie, good appetite, care, chance, disagreement, shower, sleep, test, baby, fit, good appetite, picnic, sale, share, mercy, choice,

have an appointment, influence, exam, interview, objection,

have the advantage, the day off,

3) Do

do justice to sb (do sb justice), good, harm, damage, honor, wrong, evil, right, dictation, translation

do drills, exercises, house work, home work, research (work) service, sums, physical labor, business, gymnastic, wonders, honours, battle, credit, justice, English puzzles, questions and answers

do a room, favor, test, job, subject, sum, show

do an experiment,

do one's lesson, assignment, hair, teeth, nail, bed, duty, best, need, part, bit

do the problem, day shift, food, room, house, trick, deed

do some washing, reading, shopping, sewing, cleaning, sightseeing, traveling, cooking studying, sweeping, speaking


take measures, steps, orders, treatments, some pictures (photo), notes, advice, some medicine, poison, some tips, sides, action, aim, aside, apart, breath, effect, notice, offence, shape, turns, time,

take a cold, rest, walk, chat, bath, shower, course, plane, nap, look at sth, journey, bus, taxi, lift, dictation, deep breath, day off, seat, hint, newspaper, degree, risk, job, hint, subject, life, hike, beating, bow, chance, holiday, vote,

take an exam, oath,

take one's choice, seat, place, chance, fancy, time,

take the sun, chair, first place, blame, air, head,

5) Give

give a ring, push, pull, kick, smile, cry, sigh, shout, laugh, shrug, welcome, concert, lecture, punch, reply, course, description, blow, definition, kiss, demonstration, hand, raise,

give trouble, help, offence, pleasure, encouragement, permission, respect, support, chase,

give an excuse, order, example,

give sb a rise, hand, lift,

6) Go

go broke, bust, Dutch, easy, mad, round,

go for a drive, run, swim, walk, song, an outing

go climbing, dancing, fishing, hunting, riding, skiing, skating, swimming, walking, shopping, shooting,

go to school, college, bed, hospital, church, court, sea, town, work, war,

go to a concert, a report,


keep secret, quiet, dogs and cats, house, faith, silence, watch

keep an account, an arrangement,

keep a promise, shop, house, family, diary, balance, seat,

keep one's temper, word,

keep the rules, the score,

8) Set

set sail, words to music, fire, foot in a place,

set an example, an exam paper,

set one's watch, head at rest, eyes on sth,

set a tone, speed, price, style, seal to, demand, date, trap, paper,

set the fashion, pace,
