
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 16:48:50

我是一名上海女孩子,我目前还在同济读书,我很希望能通过网络结识全国各地的朋友.我凭是喜欢上网,逛街,美食,但是我的朋友不多,我时常感到很孤独.如果你也想多交一些朋友, 让我知道你好吗?


端庄温柔,善良随和,喜欢旅游、游泳、爬山、电影、English。希望能找到一个志趣相投、健康、有学识、年龄比我稍大、个子比我高一点的他。 温柔可人的江南女孩,只求小桥流水人家的平淡。但上天的不公让宁儿连续承受打击, 直到近来宁儿已经无力独自承担。宁儿欲只求一位可以帮助我的人士为友。愿其有善良的本性和和宁儿不太悬殊的年龄。



我的名字叫豆豆,女孩,出身书香世家,清秀苗条,高雅大方,温柔贤淑,教养极佳。 20出头 我就像天边的一朵云彩飘浮不定,亦不知自己该算何方人,1.63m的身高却只有42kg。现从事金融证券,但这并不是我的理想 随着世事的变迁,暮然回首,发现身边的朋友们都慢慢远去,自己是那么的无助;天地间、人海中只有我一人存在 。



肤白清秀、嗓音甜美,身材修长、神情迷人的我,是一个懂得真正生活品质,聪慧安娴,自信又温和的女孩,具没有大方的气质,高雅的品位及丰富的心胸世界。 要求,25-35,有一技之长,大专以上,身高175以上,顺眼,善良、真诚、工作能力强、,有一定经济基础,国内外均可,健康,未婚、持绿卡者优先。

我是一个漂亮大方,可爱的女孩, 爱好广泛,有良好的个人修养和气质,虽然是普通家庭的孩子,但全家人的素质都不错,我希望他是一个热爱生活,积极向上,有良好的素质和责任心, 身高在175CM以上,性格开朗大方的好男孩。



我是pk Ivy,是个爱尔兰性格的女孩子,喜欢旅游.看书.聊天.做梦等,论女做个朋友,聊聊天,分享人生的点点滴滴。

我:素面如莲,笑靥似春天,形若扶风之柳,情比彤彤木棉。简单自然率性人,真诚善良结尘缘;文静有如皎皎兔,活泼任君也流连。厌倦了孤飞的凄凉,我决然攀上婚姻的城墙,举目四望,我期待遇上那双似曾相识的眼。怦然心动,在一刹那间;真心相许,我只要永远。如果缘来是你,莫要踌躇不前;让我们牵手,在围城中快乐地徜徉 --岁岁年年。











我为人诚恳、热爱生活、爱好流行音乐,注重情感,懂得爱护自己的另一半,喜欢漂亮、成熟、体贴、富有女人味的女人, 并能够一生一世的相处。希望对方中专或高中以上,身高1.55-1.65,温柔漂亮,25-35岁,经商更佳,未婚或离异皆可。


千淘万沥虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始倒金。茹苦寻觅十载余,未能引凰入凤室。只为找个另半我,虽说辛苦亦是愿。莫道今日无知己,自有情网促缘分。秉性外柔内刚,品行端正,俊秀文静,青春朴质,坦荡儒雅,心诚情笃,卓尔不群,精英气质。有渊博的学识和卓越的人文素养,对于社会和人生有很好的理解力。爱情格言:人生得一知己足矣。寻逑淑女: 善良温情, 妩媚秀丽, 聪颖有素质,具备现代人文价值观。


曾经我年少气盛,求爱若渴,爱人如火,如火如荼,色大而胆小,多愁善感,感情过剩,简直泛滥成灾,和一个美丽的女孩子擦肩而过,竟然失魂落魄。总希望有一场惊天动地,可歌可泣,荡气回肠,轰轰烈烈的爱情故事会发生在自己身上,不求天长地久,但求曾经拥有,但总是平平淡淡,默默无闻,无疾而终。 总结一句就是:我有点花心!!





I am a girl's son of Shanghai, I return currently at together the studying, I hope very much to become friends with the whole country through a network everyplace of friend.I with is to like to get to the Internet, go shopping, delicacies, but my friend is not much, I often feel very standing alone.If you also want to hand over some friends more, letting me know how are you?

I is a cleverness ability, beautiful and the shape compare good of girl.Like the tour, reading, music.Hope to seek a shares common interest the docile to show consideration to of man is a friend.To the request of the other party:The outlooking is regular, the shape is outstanding, docile, optimism, humor, there is interesting aspect, liking to go out the tour, liking the fresh thing, live the career not to want to be too complicated.

Dignified and gentle and soft, the docile is friendly, liking to travel, swim, climb a mountain, movie, English.Hope to find out 1 to share common interest, health, learned, the age compares me slightly old, the statures is aer little higher than me he. Gentleness can the person's girl of Chiang-Nan, only beg the small bridge flowing water somebody else of mild.But God of unjust let rather the son bears the stroke continuously, until recently rather the son hases already alone have no dint to undertake.Rather the son desire begs only a can in aid of my personage is a friend.Wish it to have the man's natural character of the docile and and rather the son age does not really hang extremely.

I, the your name smile, the growth Shanghai, big city City in China, is a likes the similar to many girls of fine thing, first live in 90's in 20 centuries of Mosslom people, waste the time for 24 years, just get to the Internet recently, hope very much to hand over a friend with you on the net, bestly you also have with me religion and faith of blue sky, white cloud and green grasses, thus we can communicate much and much.

The character is more friendly, the personality is bright, but sometimes will make some young lady's temper.( aim at the intimate friend only)In the most people eyes, I am a person with stronger and carefree character, I always do not make it a rule the outsider in front to show unintentionally too many" my daughter's person"s .But deep place in the heart, I very hope earnestly someone and can understand the me, the body flavor I, have descriptively very good a song:" Innocent and infinite gentleness of what woman possess singly, to stay your person to the true love, in spite of future many bitterness is much difficult, having him to accompany you complete".Sincerely hope that you can become you male leading role within my love story, let us hold the hand the disturbances of walk through the life!

My name call the bean bean, girl, a body fragrance of books noble family, beautiful and slender slender, elegant and generous, gentleness understanding, lowbrow very good. 20 successful in career I is like a clouds of the horizon to float to float the not certain, as well not know that the oneself should calculate HE2 FANG REN2, the height of the 1.63 ms but only have the 42 kgs.Be engaged in the financial stock certificate now, but this is not my ideal along with the change of the current affairs, however look back, discover nearby of friends are all slowly far to go to, the oneself is so of did not help;Only have my one person in the whole world and in the huge existence.

A gather the intelligence and tender feelingses in the whole body of girl, dignified and beautiful, the qualities is elegant.Love studying, music, tour, verse etc..The law profession graduation.Hope he:The height 75-85 cms, above educational background of undergraduate course, the personal character is not good, the understands the life, the occupy the industry heart, the has the qualities, the is cultivated.

Since the childhood I own after like grow up" wear the other people dearly, was profoundly love by the other people;Look at the other people silently, was silently eye by the other people.Grow up behind I use the very meticulous disposition and beauties of emotion weave the garland of the love, can I discover fine would like to be sneer at by the actuality the in succession floating about …… had the brief marriage, and have a child, if you are a to have the man of the responsibility sincerity, have to the life the happiness thinks sincerity go toward and pursue, let us work hard to walk through the fine life together.

The skin white is beautiful and slender, the voice is sweet, the shape is high, the facial expression is charming I, is a knows the real quality of life, astute Anne , self-confident again gentle girl, have the 没 to have the generous qualities, elegant personal status and abundant mind world. The one who request,25-35, there is skill, university is above, height is more than 175, easy on the eyes, docile, sincerity, work ability is strong,, there is certain economic foundation, at home and abroad all can, health, single, hold the green card have the initiative.

I am a beautiful and generous, lovely girl, love extensively, there is personal good quality with friendly accomplishment, although is the child of the common family, the whole family person's characters are all quite good, I hope that he is a passion life, headinging up actively, there are good character and responsibilities, the height is above 175 CMs, good boy of bright and generous personality.

I am a not gentle and quiet girl's son, beautiful and slender dignified, sincerity docile, not gentle and soft and astute , not considerate, occasionally also there will be the very naughty a little, a little is obstinate.The peacetime does not like to read the book, tour and play ping-pong.Hope to hand over the bright idiocy on the net, well-informed friend, become my mentor, someone gets off the heart while worry, someone's sharing of happy hour.I like the reading, travel.

Like the sunlight everywhere, like some astonishment of hour of the life China Times.Also like light cloud for day, like the life on the road to walk through with friend together of those are quiet and overcast.Even like the high water of mountain long, the hand that likes to grasp is solid warm of, the heart that meet tolerates sincerely of, can grow long.

I am the pk Ivy, is girl's son of a personality, like to travel.Read the book.Chat.Dream the etc., talk about the woman to BE a friend, have a chat, share the life to order the intravenous drop drop.

I:Plain noodles,such as lotus,, smile the dimple spring, if the form support the of the breeze, the feeling compares the kapok of .Simple natural straightforward person, sincere docile knot emotional involvements;Gentle and quiet and like shiningly bright rabbit, the alacrity allows the gentleman to also loiter.Being tired of the fly lonely, I clime to the city wall of the marriage decidedly, raising the eyes four hope, I expect to meet up that double of once acquaint with of eye. However move, at split second;Allow sincerely and mutually, I want ~only forever.If the good luck come is you, the wants to hesitate not before;Let us hold the hand, wander about unhurriedly happily in round city- from year to year.

Has been make it a rule and friendly the spirit is the person, recognizing to really work hard, get hurt on the whole and also will pack a friendly.Did not follow who turned over the face, did not make what wrong, work the studies are all very excellent.Be regarded as" darling woman" of the standard in other people's eyes.But I am not happy!I wait for the change, waiting for a the shoulder that is generous letting me depend on, waiting for an understanding friend hear I get off the heart, wait for a protect to let me am no longer standing alone sincerely!I am nothing of and beautiful to lead the person but lucid and attractive can person, the nothing of cleverness lead person but considerate.I love the thinking, loving to dream, passion life.

Healthy body, regular facial features.The personality is bright, behave simple and sincere.Good natured, know that the book reaches the reason, not vainglory of .The hope seek a has the knowledge, with my educational background equal, healthy body, the honest and considerate honesty, good natured, the diligence go forward of have the ambition the male youth is a friend.

Very cheery, lovely, bright and considerate, is to have a little thick-skinned, however the friendses are all to say so of, so I also thought so.Very special interest a fondness for of nothing important, like to go shopping, go to the movie usually and go out with friend, the card pulls the ok, liking the gold and remaining autumnal rainses.Hope you to are mature, humor, big degree.

Like to read each kind of book, love to listen to music.I am lovely generous and considerate is a young girl of very pure feeling, current side of the alacrity of my personality, and then have gentle and quiet side.The hope look for an occupy the industry heart, there is responsibility in the life, have a compare good of work, have the content, humor, and live the interesting aspect, can let the Sir whom me admire become my life companion.

Oneself the personality is friendly and acts towards people the sincerity and loves extensively, the interest is extensive, liking the nature.My good natured, persist very much to the affection, earnest.Believe the true love, so wait for.End, I mean to say' choose me, right of' I wait for the beauty, gentleness also equal the emergence of the educational background and height girl.

I am mature and steady heavy, cultured, humor, have the tasty, hope you to are beautiful, lovely, kind, good-hearted, have the magic power.

A big boy, behave handsome, was subjected to the good education.1.80 meters of height, I always at look for the life of another half, in spite of your body at HE2 FANG.You cleverness, docile lucid and attractive, you, considerate, free nature, is your disposition, but you combine the enough and little human feelings trouble, you know to love the oneself to also know to love the other people.You at?If you would like to, I will use the whole life to cherish, guarding mutually, I will like to protect you, loving you....

If you are a girl who insight knows the gentleman, I think that you should send a letter here with me, perhaps I will let your life enrich some, I am an in the financial unit work of man,28 years old, romantic flair, hope to communicate with you to work, study, affection, life, the language affair of etc., think of I will let you are not falsely this trip, hope your letter.

High and big and handsome, act towards people the sincerity enthusiasm, well-mannered, there is good accomplishment, having the gentleman poise.My interest is extensive, fancy nature.My good natured, persist very much to the affection, earnest.Believe the true love, so wait for.End, I mean to say' choose me, right of' I wait for the beauty, gentleness also equal the emergence of the educational background and height girl.

Oneself at a beautiful company the individual proprietorship company of is engaged in the calculator technique development, monthly salary 8500 dollars.The personality geniality is meticulous, the determination is firm and uncompromising, own cleverness of intelligence work hard with beg actually and creatively spirit.Etc. in the looks, the shape is evenly solid, the qualities poise is better.Life creed:Surmount the ego.

I behave sincere, passion life, love the pop music, pay attention to the emotion, know good care own another half, like to be beautiful, mature, show consideration to, full of the woman of woman's flavor, and can from cradle to the grave an a life time get along with.Hope the other party in particularly or the senior high school is above, height 1.55-1.65, the gentleness is beautiful,25-35 years old, go into business better, single or divorce all can.

I behave the open heart, bright enthusiasm, the affection is abundant, rich sense of humor.Love the athletics, music, showbiz etc..Have no smoke, wine, mahjong...etc. bad habit, I am an image good, understand the manner, best boy of qualities.Return to country from Japan in last year, allow the full-time translation in the business enterprise of a day now.My love proverb:The zeal

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