
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/05 14:21:59


不只是有 但是 的意思。上面的家伙说的很清楚了,但是真正的老美不会用那么多意思的。他们只是用三个意思多一些。

但是 表转折

但是 表转折

但是 表转折

but (1)
1.但,但是,可是,然而,不过。 He is rich, but (he is) not happy. 他有钱但是不幸福。 Lend me some novel, but an interesting one. 借给我一本小说,不过得要有趣一点的。
2.(不是…)而是,倒是,(非…)乃。 He is not a soldier but a sailor. 他不是陆军而是海军。 It is not I but you who are to blame. 该责备的是你而不是我。 Not that I love Caesar less, but that I love Rome more. 不是我不爱凯撒,而是我更爱罗马。
3.(虽…)仍,(尽管…)还是,还没有到…的地步。 No enemy is so ferocious but [but that, but what] we can defeat it. 不管敌人多么强大,我们都能打败他。 He is not such a fool but he knows it. 他尽管笨,这个还是懂的;他还没有笨到连这个都不懂。 No one is so old but that he may learn. 年纪再大也可以学习,活到老学到老。
4.除非…否则不;只有…(才能…)。 Nothing would satisfy him but I come along. 只有我来他才会满意。 Who knows any man but he be his brother 除非是亲兄弟,否则谁了解谁? It will go hard but I will get there. 除非我到那里去,不然事情就难办了。
5.若非,要不是。 B- that I saw it, I could not have believed it. 要不是我亲眼看见,我是不会相信的。 She would have fallen but that he caught her. 要不是他抓住她,她就跌下去了。
6.(不…则已,一…)就会…,总会…。 It never rains but it pours. 天不下雨则已,一下就是暴雨倾盆;一倒霉就步步倒霉。 You cannot look into the index but you will find the word. 你一查索引就会找到那个词。 There was never a new theory but some one objected to it. 新理论一出现,总会有人反对。
7.只能,仅能,不得不。 I could not choose but speak the truth. 我只能讲出事实真相。 They had no other choice but [to] surrender. 他们别无选择,只能投降。 I can't help but feel sorry for him. 我只能为他感到难过。 I can not but admire his courage. 我不得不佩服他的勇敢。
8.〔用于否定词或疑问词之后,表示否定,相当于 that not〕. Never fear but I'll go. 不要担心我不走。 I don't know but it is all true. 我可不能肯定这都不是真的。 Who knows but that everything will come out all right 谁能担保一切都不出差错呢? There is no knowing but such an accident may happen 谁能说不会发生这种意外呢? It was impossible but he should see it. 他不可能没有看到它。 How is it possible but that we should be discontented 我们怎么会感到满意呢? 我们怎么能不感到不满呢?
9.〔用于 deny, doubt, question 等词的否定语气之后,无实义。仅仅相当于 that〕。 I do not doubt but that you are surprised. 我敢断定你是感到吃惊了。 I do not deny but that it is difficult. 我不否认这是件困难的事。 I don't question but you are correct. 我不怀疑你是正确的。 I shouldn't wonder but she wants to be a singer. 她想当歌手,我不应该感到惊讶。 There is no doubt but (that) he was murdered. 毫无疑问,他是被谋杀的。
10.〔用于 odds, ten to one, a thousand to one 等述语之后,表示可能性,无实义,仅仅相当于 that〕。 It is odds [ten to one] but you lose. 你十之八九要输。 It is a thousand to one but you'll succeed. 你成功的机会只有千分之一,你几乎失败定了。
11.〔用于加强语气〕 Good heavens, but she's beautiful! 天哪,她多漂亮呀! Heavens, but it rains! 啊呀,下大雨了! Beg pardon, but haven't you met my sister on the way 对不起,您在路上碰见我妹妹了吗?
12. 除(某人)以外,除了(某人)。见以下前置词