win10 输入法繁简切换:有谁可以告诉我为什么 美国纽约又被称做"Big Apple"吗?非常感谢 哦

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 18:29:23

纽约市又俗称是大苹果〈 Big Apple〉!为什么要称纽约市是大苹果呢?这个名称的由来说法不一,但是有以下几种可能:

其一:纽约州虽产苹果,但产量很少,远远不及加州苹果世界驰名、大量外销。有一年,加州苹果欠收,外销告急,于是纽约的苹果小兵立大功,解救了苹果外销的窘境。纽约人引以为傲,从此称纽约是 Big Apple。


其三:1920~1930年,爵士乐大行其道,有个爵士乐手大唱:成功树上苹果何其多,但如果你挑中纽约市,你就挑到了最大的苹果!("There are many apples on the success tree, but when you pick New York City , you pick the Big Apple.") 之后有人又证实因为市区内有一极受欢迎的爵士俱乐部就叫 The Big Apple!原址现在则是间药房。

The Big Apple—New York

New York is a big city in the USA with a high level of modernization. It has an interesting nickname: the Big Apple. Let’s look at the reasons why New York is called “the Big Apple”.

Jazz musicians first called New York the Big Apple 50 years ago. At that time, these performers earned money by traveling to many cities and towns across America. But they liked New York City best, for it was the place with the most money to earn and the greatest number of people who liked jazz.

The early jazz musicians described each town and city in America as an apple on a tree. Naturally they called New York City the Big Apple. Later a popular dance in New York was also called “the Big Apple”.

But no one except the musicians used this term, until about 20 years ago when the city officials began developing tourism. They use the Big Apple as a symbol for New York.

The Big Apple 的由来

众所周知,纽约(New York)是美国相当繁华的城市之一,它的绰号(nickname)叫做“the Big Apple”(大苹果),并誉满世界。这一绰号的由来恐怕很少有人知道。

据传,大约在一百多年前,美国一群爵士乐师们(jazz musicians)经常到各地巡回演出赚钱(make money)。乐师们常常把所要去的城镇比喻成树上的苹果。他们去该城镇演出赚钱,就好像是去摘树上的苹果,由于纽约是他们演出赚钱最多的城市,自然被称为“the Big Apple”。不久,纽约一家俱乐部和一种流行舞蹈也取名为“the Big Apple”。后来,精明的纽约市官员们为了招揽游客(tourist),发展旅游业(tourism),索性把“the Big Apple”作为该城市的象征物(symbol)。从此,越来越多的游客被吸引到纽约去参观旅游,纽约的别名也就随之传开了。
