
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 21:15:20
Neither this Agreement nor any rights granted hereunder may be assigned in whole or in part by either party without the express written consent of the other party, except that this Agreement may be assigned by the Company to any corporation, controlling controlled by or under common control with the Company to any successor to the business of the Company to which this Agreement primarily pertains.

不这个协议亦不所有权利在此之下被授予也许由或者党分配从全体或部份上没有另一党的明确同意书, 除了这个协议也许由公司分配到任一家公司, 控制被控制由或在共同的控制之下以公司对任一个后继者对这个协议主要附属公司的事务。