
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/03 02:52:36
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Everything (he kept saying) is something it isn't. And everybody is always somewhere else. Maybe it was the city, being in the city, that made him feel how queer everything was and that it was something else. Maybe (he kept thinking) it was the names of the things. The names were tex and frequently koid. Or they were flex and oid or they were duroid (sand) or flexsan (duro), but everything was glass (but not quite glass) and the thing that you touched (the surface, washable, crease-resistant) was rubber, only it wasn't quite rubber and you didn't quite touch it but almost. The wall, which was glass but turned out on being approached not to be a wall, it was something else, it was an opening or doorway--and the doorway (through which he saw himself approaching) turned out to be something else, it was a wall. And what he had eaten not having agreed with him.

He was in a washable house, but he wasn't sure. Now about those rats, he kept saying to himself. He meant the rats that the Professor had driven crazy by forcing them to deal with problems which were beyond the scope of rats, the insoluble problems. He meant the rats that had been trained to jump at the square card with the circle in the middle, and the card (because it was something it wasn't) would give way and let the rat into a place where the food was, but then one day it would be a trick played on the rat, and the card would be changed, and the rat would jump but the card wouldn't give way, and it was an impossible situation (for a rat) and the rat would go insane and into its eyes would come the unspeakably bright imploring look of the frustrated, and after the convulsions were over and the frantic racing around, then the passive stage would set in and the willingness to let anything be done to it, even if it was something else.

He didn't know which door (or wall) or opening in the house to jump at, to get through, because one was an opening that wasn't a door (it was a void, or kid) and the other was a wall that wasn't an opening, it was a sanitary cupboard of the same color. He caught a glimpse of his eyes staring into his eyes, in the and in them was the expression he had seen in the picture of the rats--weary after convulsions and the frantic racing around, when they were willing and did not mind having anything done to them. More and more (he kept saying) I am confronted by a problem which is incapable of solution (for this time even if he chose the right door, there would be no food behind it) and that is what madness is, and things seeming different from what they are. He heard, in the house where he was, in the city to which he had gone (as toward a door which might, or might not, give way), a noise--not a loud noise but more of a low prefabricated humming. It came from a place in the base of the wall (or stat) where the flue carrying the filterable air was, and not far from the Minipiano, which was made of the same material nailbrushes are made of, and which was under the stairs. 'This, too, has been tested,' she said, pointing, but not at it, 'and found viable.' It wasn't a loud noise, he kept thinking, sorry that he had seen his eyes, even though it was through his own eyes that he had seen them.
一切(他一口)是不是. 大家总是到别处. 也许是城市人的城市,这一切都使他感到多么奇怪,这是另一回事. 也许有人(他一直思考)名称的东西. 常常是即将koid姓名. 或者随意和OID或者Duroid(沙)、Flexsan(联合会),但都被玻璃(但不太玻璃)和东西,你感动(表面清洗、皱抗药性)橡胶,只是不太橡胶和你不太接触,但几乎. 墙是玻璃,但竟然被找不墙,但另一回事,这是一个开放、门口--和门口(通过他看到自己接近)原来是另一回事,这是很可惜的事情. 他并没有同意他吃了. 他被清洗了房子,但他不清楚. 现在对这些老鼠,他一直对自己说. 老鼠的意思,迫使老师在疯狂驱使他们所处理的问题超出老鼠,无法解决问题. 他指的老鼠已训练跳广场卡在圈中,卡(因为它是不是)会作出一些让步,让老鼠成为地方食物,但有一天它会招发挥的老鼠,卡将改变 与老鼠会跳,但卡不会让步,这是不可能的情况(耗子)、老鼠会疯狂,为它的眼睛会莫名的美好期待恳求的挫折,经过动乱已经过去,疯狂地跑, 那么,在被动的阶段,让愿意为它做什么,即使是另一回事. 他不知道哪门(墙)、开放家踊跃,度过,因为一个是开放,不是门(这是一个空白,或小孩),另一种是墙,没有开放,这是卫生柜同色. 他患了一线眼睛盯着进入眼睛,在和他们的表现他所看到的景象的老鼠--厌倦动乱后,疯狂地跑,当他们愿意并没有介意任何事的. 越来越多(他一口)我遇到的问题是没有解决(这个时候即使他选准门,就不会有食物背后),是疯狂,东西似乎有别于他们. 他听到,在他家里,在城市,他已经(向大门,可能或不可能,让位)、噪音--不咋的,但更多的是预制嗡嗡低. 这是来自一个地方的基础墙(的数据),进行烟道空气过滤性的,而不是远离Minipiano,这是该材料是以nailbrushes,正在楼梯. '这也考验',她指出,这不是',找到可行的. '这不是巨响,他经常思考,可惜他的眼睛所看到的,即使是用自己的眼睛,他曾见过他们.
