
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/03 05:26:35

If there's any fiddling of the books going on in the office,it must be one of the new people.Jenkins has been with me eighteen years and I know he's as straight as a die in everything.

I thought I knew quite a lot about electrical things,but when I was given this old radio to repair I had to admit that I'd met my match.

I went to bed and I sang about the things around me,about things that happened in the day.Actually so loud and so long that my mother would come and knock on my door,open my door and say:"ok,this is enough.Just stop now.We have to sleep!"

I was no good at school really,but I knew I was quite good at looking after people,anyway,I wrote off to a few London hospitals,when I was16and I was accepted by one of them,and that was it.

I had been with the firm for over twenty years,but when I became aware of its financial difficulties I decided to clear out before the crash came.
That's rather an awkward time for me.It is really necessary for me to be present at the meeting I shall have to ask off.

I'm thrilled to bits at the thought of going to France for our holiday - I know I'll enjoy very much.

Ten years ago,when dinosaurs began to make their greatest comeback in100,000years,everyone wondered what the appeal was for kids.It was simple.Big.Ugly.Reptiles.Three little words that mean"I love you."If you happen to be6.I know,because I was6once,and I would have killed for an iguana.
I am28years old and a lawyer.I speak for languages and am considered attractive.I have never been called"vulgar"or"low - class"by anyone else that I know of.…my mother - in - law has run down all of Mark's previous relationships.Incidentally,my husband is35,attractive and does well in his chosen profession.I don't know what to do about this problem,Ann.Please help me see things more clearly.

James claimed to know a good deal about television sets,which was more than I did.He asked me for a screwdriver,tinkered about for half an hour,then said,"Right.Now you can switch on."I did.There was a blue flash and the set caught alight.Talk about the blind leading the blind!The fellow hadn't a clue.