
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/01 10:47:22
我的理想是当一名医生。你们也许会问,为什么你想当一名医生?那我就告诉你们吧! 有一次,弟弟生病了,病得很严重,几乎下不了床。我特别着急,就像热锅上的蚂蚁,急得团团转。我想:“我能为弟弟做什么事呢?”忽然,我的脑海里浮现出了给弟弟找医生看病的念头,我连招呼都没打,就急急忙忙骑上自行车向医疗站奔去。 到了医疗站,我对医生说:“叔叔,我弟弟病了,病得很严重,麻烦您去给他看看病。”医生叔叔摸着我的头,说:“你真是个好孩子。”到了家,我对妈妈说:“医生叔叔来了。”不一会儿,就知道了病情,医生给开了几副中药。过了几天,弟弟的病渐渐好转起来。 这件事给我的触动很大,在我幼小的心灵上埋下了一颗理想的种子。医生能够给很多人解除痛苦,能够让更多人重获幸福。我的理想,就是将来考进医学院,成为一名优秀的医生。 要想实现我的理想,从现在开始就必须好好学习。课堂上,我精神抖擞,认真听老师讲课,积极回答老师提出的问题,认真完成老师布置的作业。课下,我积极探索学习,不仅巩固了老师课上讲的知识,还自学了很多课外知识,拓宽了我的知识面,养成了良好的自学习惯,学习成绩有了很大的提高,连老师都夸我有很大进步。 我想,经过我的努力,我的理想一定能实现。

My dream is to become a doctor. Perhaps you would ask why I want to be a doctor. Let me tell you. One day, my younger brother was ill and he was too weak to get up. I was at that time as worried as an ant on a hot pan, wondering," What can I do for my younger brother? " Suddenly , the idea of finding a doctor for him fleshed in my mind. Even without a goodbye, I was riding on the way to the medical station. As soon as I arrived, I rushed to the doctor, saying"doctor, my younger brother is ill, seriously ill, please come to help him. "He touched my head and said:" You are really a good boy/girl." On arriving at home, I ran to mom and said," The doctor has come." Having known the condition, the doctor wrote a traditional Chinese medicine prescription. After a few days, my younger brother recovered gradually. This exprience has shocked me, leaving a seed of dream in my little heart. A doctor can ease the pain of many people , and help them find their own happiness again . My dream is to pass the entrance exam and enter the medicine college in the future and then become an outstanding doctor. In order to realize that , I have to study hard from now on. In the classroom, I will listen to the teacher with full attention, answer the questions actively, and finish the homework conscientiously .Outside the classes, after exploring the related world of knowledge, I have not merely deepened my understanding of these lessons but also broadened my horizon, as well as forming a habit of good self-study. My score has been improved a lot, even my teacher praises me for making such great progress. I believe that , with my efforts , my dream can certainly be realized.

My ideal is to work as a doctor. Perhaps you will ask why you want to work as a doctor ? Let me tell you ! One day, the younger brother had fallen ill, very seriously ill, can't nearly leave the bed. As soon as I especially worry, I just look like the ant on a hot pan, so anxious that running around in circles. Let me see: "What can I do for younger brother? "Suddenly , appeared out to find younger brother the thought that a doctor diagnosed the illness in my brain , as soon as I have not even made, I have ridden the bicycle and gone straight towards the medical station in a hurry . When getting to the medical station , I say to the doctor: "Uncle, my younger brother is ill, very seriously ill, please go to show him the disease. "doctor uncle touch I head,say:" You are really a good child. "reach home,I to mother say:" Doctor's uncle has come. "Soon, having known the condition, the doctor writes a traditional Chinese medicine prescription. In a few days, the younger brother's disease has taken a favorable turn gradually. This gives my touching very big, the next ideal seed is buried on my immature soul. The doctor can remove the agony for a lot of people , can let more people recapture the happiness . My ideal, take part in the entrance exam of into the medical college in the future, will become an outstanding doctor. If you want to realize my ideal , must study hard from now. In the classroom, I am full of energy, listen to the teacher giving lessons conscientiously , answer the question that a teacher puts forward actively, finish the homework that a teacher assigned conscientiously . Under the lesson, I explore actively that study , have not merely consolidated the knowledge explained on teacher's lesson, have also teach oneself much knowledge after class, has widenned my range of knowlege, has formed the good self-study habit , the school grade has been improved a lot, even teacher praises me for making very great progress. I think , through my efforts , my ideal can unquestionably be realized.

My ideal is to be a famous doctor to livinged.You would ask perhaps, why do you think being a famous doctor livings?That I tell you! Have once, the younger brother got sick, badly sick , almost can't descend a bed.I am specially worried, being like the ant of hot pot, nasty have to turn round and round.I think:"What matter can I do for the younger brother?"Presented to seek the mind that the doctor sees a doctor for younger brother in my brain suddenly, I even hello didn't beat, riding hastily to rush toward the medical treatment station up the bicycle. Arrived a medical treatment to stand, I said to the doctor:"Uncle, my younger brother got sick, badly sick , bother you to go to see a disease for him."Doctor uncle touches my head, say:"You is really a good kid."Come home, I said to the mother:"Doctor uncle came."Not and in a short while, knew a condition, the doctor gave to prescribe a few Chinese herbal medicines.Led for several days, the younger brother's disease turned for the better gradually.This matter gives my touch cover up on my young and small mind very greatly under an ideal seed.The doctor can relieve pain and sufferings for many people, can make more people heavy to meet with happiness.My ideal is in the future to test into the medical college, becoming an excellent doctor. To want to carry out my ideal from now on have to be good like study.On the classroom, I am vigorous, listenning to a teacher prelect hard, answer the question that the teacher puts forward actively, earnest completion the teacher set out of homework.Lesson bottom, I investigate a study actively, not only made stronger teacher's lesson to speak up of knowledge, return self-educated much knowledge outside the lesson, opened widely my knowledge noodles, develop good self-educated habit, the study result included a very great exaltation, even teacher all 夸 I progressed very greatly. I think that through my effort, my ideal can certainly carry out.