
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/07 09:54:10
21.________ our country will explore the mystery of the moon before 2007 is the best
news I’ve ever heard recently.
A. That B. What C. Which D. When
22.---What made all of you ________?
----His failing in the final exam.
A. disappoint B disappointing C. to disappoint D. disappointed
23.---Could you tell me how large the continent of Africa is?
----Well, it is _______ the continent of Europe.
A. three times the size as B. the size three times of
C. three times as the size of D. three times the size of
24.There are a lot of buildings ______ the distance from the harbor and they look
extremely beautiful _______ a distance.
A. in; in B. at; in C. at; at D. in; at
25.--- _______ is it from your home to the school?
--- ________ two miles.
A. How far; Within B. How long; Within C. How long; In D. How far; In
26.The money I earn _________ the kind of work I’m doing.
A. depends on B. lives on C. leads to D. sticks to
27.--- Doctor, there is something wrong with my heart.
----Don’t worry, I think you should ________ the fat and increase the fibre in the
A. cut down B. cut off C. cut through D. cut up
28.The teacher’s _________ expression suggested that she was ________ with what
the students did.
A. satisfied; satisfied B. satisfying; satisfied
C. satisfying; satisfying D. satisfied; satisfying
29.---Shall we go to the football match with Jane?
----We had better not. She doesn’t _________ football.
A. call for B. care for C. send for D. ask for
30.The book I bought yesterday is a ________ one which is well __________ reading
many times.
A.worth; worth B.worthwhile; worthwhile C.worthwhile; worth D.worth; worthwhile
31.---Do you always _________ the new words?
----Yes, I always ________ dictionaries.
A.look up; refer to B.look up; look up C.refer to; refer to D. refer to; look up
32.---Did you see the boys yesterday afternoon?
----Yes. I saw them ________ the wall when I passed.
A. climb B. climbed C. climbing D. to climb
33.---When did you receive her letter?
----Only after I had been there for a week __________ it.
A. I receive B. I had received C. did I receive D. had I received
34. “You must study hard,” the teacher said, __________ at the student.
A. stared B. staring C. to stare D, having stared
35.The curious boy got _________ to the picture to have a look at it ________.
A.close; close B.closely; closely C.close; closely D.closely; close

22d make sth done,make sb+adj
23d 楼上的错,查词典 查times
24d in the distance 在很远的那边 at a distance 在远处(是
25a 多远?不到两英里(在两英里之内)
27a cut down减少 cut off切断 cut through抄近路走过, 刺穿 cut up切碎
28b satisfying令人满意的,satisfied满意的
31a look up words,refer to dictionary
33d Only after I had been there for a week... 过去完成时

21~25 a,d,a,d(in the distance 比 at the distance 更远),d
26~30 a,b,a,b,c
31~35 a,c,c,b,c

