
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/09/29 21:53:21

Once she gets her hooks into you ,you won't be able to escape.


“一问啥不知”的回答我觉得最精彩啦。不使用复合句而只用单句,给人的感觉更强烈,好像法官判决“Guilty”一样,只一个字,一锤定音。唯一的遗憾是感觉和原文的意思稍有出入。“There is no escape from her seduction” 是“没人能逃过她的引诱”。

harryzb888 用的induce,但是我觉得好像“勾引”都用的seduce,是尤指sexually的。

成功领路的“Once she gets her hooks into you ”则有点被勾引方允许她“gets her hooks in”的意思,主动和被动的意思区分不是很明确。

指手画脚半天,我的想法也不敢藏拙,拿出来准备挨板砖:“Once the idea of seduction comes into her mind, you are doomed”

You will be trapped when she is coming on to you.

She is coming on to you.这句话是用在两性的关系上,意思是“她对你投怀送抱。”也就是形容某人对某人有意思的情况,这个句型男女两性都适用;同样的情况,你也可以说She is making a pass at you.“她对你眉来眼去的。”这两种说法都很生动,而且最棒的是没有新单字,赞!

There is no escape from her seduction.

Once she induces you, you will have no way to escape.

you can never escape once she wants to lure you.