
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 09:14:09
Quality education is one that seeks out learners and assists them to learn using a wide range of modalities, recognizing that learning is linked to experience, language and cultural practices, gifts, traits, the external environment and personal interests. We learn in different ways, each emphasizing different senses and abilities. Quality education is one that welcomes the learner and can adapt to meet learning needs. It is inclusive. Quality education strives to ensure that all learners, regardless of sex, age, language, religion and ethnicity, for example, are reached – that they have the possibility of participating in and learning from organized learning activities.

素质教育是一个学习和寻找帮助他们学习运用各种方式,认识到学习与经验、语言、文化习俗、礼品、特点、外部环境和个人利益. 我们以不同的方式学习,强调每一个不同的意识和能力. 素质教育,是对学的学习需求,并能适应. 它的包容性. 素质教育的努力,以确保所有的学生,不分性别、年龄、语言、宗教、种族,例如有共识,他们有机会参加学习和组织学习活动

质量教育是寻找学习者,而且协助他们学习使用宽范围的样式一个, 学问被联编到经验,语言和文化实践,礼物,特色,外部的环境和个人的兴趣。 我们以不同的方式学习,每个强调不同的感觉和能力。 质量教育是欢迎学习者,和能适应的一个符合学习需要。 它是包含在内的。 质量教育努力确定所有的学习者,不管性别,年龄,语言,宗教和种族,举例来说,被到达他们从组织有参与的可能性和学问学问活动的–。