
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/05 13:40:25
1. All parts of this sewing machine are ____ so that it is very simple to get replacements for them.?
A. mechanized
B. minimized
C. modernize
D. standardized

2. He’s trying to ____all the supporters he can obtain for the political party he’s formed.?
A. paralyze
B. mechanize
C. standardize
D. mobilize?

3. You can ____ the dangers of driving by taking care to obey the rules of the road.?
A. maximize
B. theorize
C. standardize
D. minimize?

4. The ____ is a coin used in the U.S.A valued at 5 cents.
A. Currency
B. Note
C. Nickel
D. Token

5. We can easily bend a piece of wire, it is ____.
A. delicate
B. extensible
C. flexible
D. foldabl

1.C modernize现代化
2.D mobilize动员
3.D minimize将...减到最小
4.C nickel镍
5.C flexible有韧性的

1.D 意思是:这台缝纫机的零部件全部采用标准化制作,从而非常容易地就能够买到替代零件。

2.D 意思是:他竭力调动他所能获得的支持者来支持他组建的政党。

3.D 意思是:如果你遵循交通规则,那么开车的时候,你就能将危险减少到最小程度。

4.C 意思是:镍币是一种在美国使用的铸造硬币,面值5美分。

5.C 意思是:我们可以轻而易举地折弯金属丝,因为它具有柔韧性。