たま孑然妒火百度云:other,another,others,the others还有the other的区别是什么?

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/07 16:13:07
other,another,others,the others还有the other的区别是什么?



other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等。它们的用法现归纳如下;
Do you have any other question(s)?
Ask some other people.
Put it in your other hand.
2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。如:
He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker.
the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如:
On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree.
Mary is much taller than the other girls.
He lives on the other side of the river.
Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports.
Give me some others, please.
There are no others.
4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形式。如:
Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home.
the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍。
5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如:
I don’t like this one. Please show me another.
I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and another is a worker.

else表示“另外的”表示“除此之外 ,还有”,相当于besides,如:
What else can I say?

other 其余的,形容词 usually is used as the other or others.
another 另一个, one of the others.
(the) others 其余的人或物, all the things/people left over there
the other, the only one left over there.

For an example:
If you have more than one choices, you can choose this or one of the others.

More examples:
If you have only two, you have to choose this one or the other.
Because there is only one left, we call it THE other.

another is an other, that means one of the others.

You can pick two balls from this basket. Besides the blue ball you have picked, you can pick another one.
That means one of the other four balls left in the basket.

There are three bags. She picked one and dropped it. The she picked another one, and dropped it again. Then she picked the other one, and she finally bought it.
(Do you see the uses of one, another, and the other?)

other 其余的,形容词
another 另一个
others 其余的人或物=other+名词
the others两部分中的另外一部分人或物
the other两个中的另一个人或物

1. 指单数时,若泛指用another,若特指用 the other。如:
Give me another (one). 另外给我一个。
Shut the other eye, please. 请把另一只眼睛也闭上。
2. 指复数时,若泛指用 other(后接复数名词),若特指用the other(后接复数名词)。如:
There are other ways of doing it. 做这事还有其他的办法。
Where have the other students gone? 其他学生都到哪里去了?
3. others永远表示复数意义(且其后不能再接名词)。其用法大致相当于“other+复数名词”,同样地 the others 大致相当于“the other+复数名词”。如:
Other people [Others] may not think that way. 别的人可能不这样想。
He is cleverer than the others [the other students] in her class. 他比班上其他学生聪明。
4. another一般只能表单数,且其后接名词也只能接单数名词。但是若其后有数词或 few 修饰时,则也可接复数名词。如:
We need another few chairs. 我们还需要几把椅子。
In another two weeks it'll be finished. 再过两个星期就可做完了。
5. 与 some 对比使用时,用 others(此时与 some 同义)。如:
Some say yes, and others say no. 有人说对,有人说不对。