五粮醇甄选6:What would you like for breakfast?等于What do you want for breakfast?吗?他们可替换吗?

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/08 12:35:17


Both have very similiar meanings.

In this sentence 'like' means:

like (WANT)
1 would/FORMALshould like... used to say that you want or desire something:
I think I'd like the soup for my starter.
[+ to infinitive] I'd like to go to Moscow.
I would like to say a big thankyou to everyone who's helped to make our wedding such a special occasion!

2 used in requests:
I'd like one of the round loaves, please.
[+ to infinitive] I'd like to book a seat for tonight's performance.
[+ object + to infinitive] I'd like you to send this for me first class, please.
[+ past participle] I would like the whole lot finished by the weekend.

want (DESIRE)
verb [T]
1 to desire a particular thing or plan of action. 'Want' is not used in polite requests in British English:
I want some chocolate.
She wants a word with you.
He's everything you'd ever want in a man - bright, funny and attractive.
[+ to infinitive] What do you want to eat?
[+ object + to infinitive] Do you want me to take you to the station?
[+ object + past participle] This letter - do you want it sent first class?
[+ object + adjective] Do you want this pie hot?
[+ object + ing form of verb] I don't want a load of traffic going past my house all night, waking me up.
You wait - by next year she'll be wanting a bigger house!
Compare like (WANT).

2 to wish or need someone to be present:
Am I wanted at the meeting tomorrow?
He is wanted by the police (= The police are searching for him).

3 INFORMAL want in/out of to want to start or stop being involved in something:
I want out of the whole venture before it's too late.

Both LIKE and WANT have several different meanings. To see them using an English only dictionary such as http://dictionary.cambridge.org

可以,would like 等于want.

all the same


Of course,they are same meaning.