
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 16:10:54
In these last thirty years in Britain, however, things have not remained so still. As a result a vast gap has opened between the views of the professional historians of today and the dogmas still voiced by the laymen interested in the period. Working on an immensely successful British journalistic venture of the late 1060s (recently reissued in the mid-1970s), the part-work History of the Second World War, its editor, Mr. Barry Pitt, spoke of the flood of letters which poured into the editorial offices protesting at the evidence of rethinking shown by the contributors to the series. All bore, in his words,that 'note of deep indignation and outrage' which is the reaction of honest men to the destruction of long-held and long-cherished beliefs. Any historian who writes or lectures for popular as well as academic audiences can match his experience.

在过去30年在英国,但事情并没有那么仍维持. 由于差距开辟了广阔的专业学者之间的意见,今天的教条仍纷纷表示有兴趣的时期. 工作了巨大的成功英国新闻创业已故1060s(最近重新在七十年代中期),部分工作的历史第二世界大战,编辑先生Barry皮特,谈到了大量信件,倒入编辑部抗议的证据反思表现的贡献系列. 承担一切,用他的话来说,这说明''暴行深感愤怒,这是男人的诚实反应破坏长期持有的夙愿信仰. 任何历史学家、作家以及学术讲座受欢迎观众能够与他的经验. ---------我是用google翻译的

在这些最近三十年在不列颠, 但是, 事不依然是那么仍然。 结果一个浩大的空白打开了在景色的今天的专业史学家和教条之间由外行仍然讲感兴趣对期间。 从事晚1060s 的巨大地成功的英国的新闻报导的事业(最近被补发在70 年代中期), 部份工作第二次世界大战的历史, 它的编辑, 先生。 巴里・Pitt, 的堆的轮幅倾吐入编辑部抗议在重新考虑的证据由贡献者显示对系列信件。 所有乏味, 在他的words?that ' 是诚实的人反应对长期持有和长受爱护的信仰的破坏的笔记深刻的愤怒和暴行' 。 写的任一位史学家或演讲为普遍并且学术观众能匹配他的经验。
