
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 00:25:14
“I. – The penultimate paragraph of article L. 323-9 of the labour code has been supplemented with the following paragraph: “In order to guarantee compliance with the principle of equal treatment with regard to handicapped people, employers, in particular the state, public state establishments, local communities and their public establishments, including the public establishments referred to in article 2 of law n° 86-33 of 9 January 1986 containing statutory provisions relating to the public hospital service, shall make reasonable adjustments to enable them to access, carry out or develop in employment or obtain training. The costs relating to these adaptations must not be excessive. Financial assistance may compensate for all or some of the expenses incurred in this context by the employer".
II- A new article L. 212-4-1 b has been inserted after article L. 212-4-1, as follows: Art. L. 212-4-1 b: “Handicapped workers benefiting from the employment obligation referred to in article L. 323-3 may, according to the firm's possibilities, benefit from individual time adaptations to facilitate their access to employment, their professional activities or to maintain their position”.
III- In 8° of article L. 136-2 of the labour code, the words “measures implemented in favour of the employment rights of handicapped people” have been added after the words “or a race”.
IV- In 11° of article L. 133-5, the words “provided for in article L. 323-9” have been replaced by “provided for in article L. 323-1, and by measures to adapt posts or times, work organisation and training activities.”

