
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 09:38:19
今天我的姨姨来了,她带着她的女儿.还给我带了许多书,我非常热情的招待了她们.下午,我领着她们去了 花卉市场,那很热闹.好景不长,晚上,她们便回家了.


My aunt and her daughter paid a visit today. They brought me a lot of books. They got my warm welcome and greetings. In the afternoon I led them to the flower market, a popular and crowded place. They didn't stay long however. They went back home in the evening.

My aunt came today, she take her daughter.Returning to me took many books, I very hot liver entertainment they.In the afternoon, I get they went to the flower market, still very noisy.The prosperity is not long, evening, they went home then.

My aunt came today, and she take her daughter. returned to me to take the many book, I very hot liver entertainment they. the afternoon, I got them to go to the flower market, and that is very noisy. the prosperity is not long, evening, they then go homed.


My aunt came today, she took her daughter. returned to take many books for me, my very hot liver entertainment they.In the afternoon, I got them to go to the flower market, that is very noisy. the prosperity is not long, in the evening, they went home then.

My aunt has come today with her daughter.And she also brought me many books.I entertained them ardently.In the afternoon, I lead them to the flower market,which was swarming with people and was joyfully noisy.However,good time passes lightly,they went home in the evening.