图论 经典教材:What's the significance of Darwin's theory of evolution?

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/06 18:47:49
please answer in English~

It has destroyed the belief of God's making of human beings and it is a sign of a new phase of biology, that is, observing biology(观察生物学,不知道对不对) began.

Darwin's theory of evolution has spawned tremendous philosophical, cosmological, and religious implications and controversies. The very notion that humans are "merely" animals, and are genetically very closely related to primates is considered repellent by many of the theory's detractors. The theory defies the Christian interpretation of humanity and the universe, which has been the foundation of western civilization for centuries before the theory came out. Despite the numerous creationistic opposition, however, the Evolution based on natural selection is now the widely accepted theory of scientific and secular communities worldwide because of the extensive morphological evidence and empirical findings to back it up.