
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/02 17:00:58
thy broader of the two studies,"Power to the Principals:Decentalization in Three Large School Districts" by UCLA business management professor William G Ouchi,comes out this spring in the jourmal Organization Science. The narrower study, of great interest to Washington area readers,is a short book,"Education Empire:The Evoiution of an Excellent Suburban School System" ($21.95 at amazon.com) by University of Virginia education professor Daniel L Duke.

两本研究箸作中题材更广泛的那本《校长们的权力:三个大校区的去中心化》,由加州大学洛杉矶分校的商业管理教授William G Ouchi编写,将在这年春季的《科学》刊物上登载。而那本相对范围狭窄点的,引起华盛顿地区读者极大兴趣的那本书《教育帝国:一个优秀郊外学校系统的演变》(亚马逊公司出版,售价:$21.95 ),篇幅较短,由弗吉尼亚大学的教育学教授Daniel L Duke编写。